cphot 0.1
A C++ tool for computing photometry from spectra.
cphot – A C++ tool for computing photometry from spectra

This project is a portage from pyphot, a Python tool for computing photometry from spectra.

This package is a header-only library to compute synthetic photometry in a simple way, ideal to integrate into larger projects.

Complete documentation at: http://mfouesneau.github.io/cphot/

The inputs are photonic or energetic response functions for the desired photometric bands and stellar spectra. The modules are flexible to handle (some) units in the wavelength and flux definitions through a simplified code.

Filters are represented individually by a cphot::Filter object.

One can use a collection of filters handled with a cphot::HDF5Library. For example, the internal library of pyphot contains a significant amount of standard filters. We also provide a single function interface to the SVO Filter Profile Service cphot::download_svo_filter

Each filter is minimally defined by a wavelength and throughput. Many properties such as central or pivot wavelength are computed internally. Zero points in multiple units are also accessible (AB, Vega magnitude, Jy, erg/s/cm2/AA). The default detector type is assumed to be photonic, but energetic detectors are also handled transparently for the computations.

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  • Morgan Fouesneau