cphot 0.1
A C++ tool for computing photometry from spectra.
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 Ncphot_licksLick indices definitions
 Npretty_printA pretty printing library for C++ containers
 CAutoUTFDynamically select encoding according to stream's runtime-specified UTF encoding type
 CAutoUTFInputStreamInput stream wrapper with dynamically bound encoding and automatic encoding detection
 CAutoUTFOutputStreamOutput stream wrapper with dynamically bound encoding and automatic encoding detection
 CBaseReaderHandlerDefault implementation of Handler
 CBasicIStreamWrapperWrapper of std::basic_istream into RapidJSON's Stream concept
 CBasicOStreamWrapperWrapper of std::basic_ostream into RapidJSON's Stream concept
 CCrtAllocatorC-runtime library allocator
 CEncodedInputStreamInput byte stream wrapper with a statically bound encoding
 CEncodedInputStream< UTF8<>, MemoryStream >Specialized for UTF8 MemoryStream
 CEncodedOutputStreamOutput byte stream wrapper with statically bound encoding
 CFileReadStreamFile byte stream for input using fread()
 CFileWriteStreamWrapper of C file stream for input using fread()
 CGenericArrayHelper class for accessing Value of array type
 CGenericDocumentA document for parsing JSON text as DOM
 CGenericInsituStringStreamA read-write string stream
 CGenericMemberName-value pair in a JSON object value
 CGenericMemberIterator(Constant) member iterator for a JSON object value
 CGenericMemoryBufferRepresents an in-memory output byte stream
 CGenericObjectHelper class for accessing Value of object type
 CGenericPointerRepresents a JSON Pointer. Use Pointer for UTF8 encoding and default allocator
 CGenericReaderSAX-style JSON parser. Use Reader for UTF8 encoding and default allocator
 CGenericSchemaDocumentJSON schema document
 CGenericSchemaValidatorJSON Schema Validator
 CGenericStringBufferRepresents an in-memory output stream
 CGenericStringRefReference to a constant string (not taking a copy)
 CGenericStringStreamRead-only string stream
 CGenericValueRepresents a JSON value. Use Value for UTF8 encoding and default allocator
 CMemoryPoolAllocatorDefault memory allocator used by the parser and DOM
 CMemoryStreamRepresents an in-memory input byte stream
 CParseResultResult of parsing (wraps ParseErrorCode)
 CPrettyWriterWriter with indentation and spacing
 CAllocatorConcept for allocating, resizing and freeing memory block
 CEncodingConcept for encoding of Unicode characters
 CHandlerConcept for receiving events from GenericReader upon parsing. The functions return true if no error occurs. If they return false, the event publisher should terminate the process
 CStreamConcept for reading and writing characters
 CRQuantityPrototype template container class, that just holds a double value
 CSchemaValidatingReaderA helper class for parsing with validation
 CStreamTraitsProvides additional information for stream
 CStreamTraits< GenericInsituStringStream< Encoding > >
 CStreamTraits< GenericStringStream< Encoding > >
 CTranscoderEncoding conversion
 CTranscoder< Encoding, Encoding >Specialization of Transcoder with same source and target encoding
 CUTF16UTF-16 encoding
 CUTF16BEUTF-16 big endian encoding
 CUTF16LEUTF-16 little endian encoding
 CUTF32UTF-32 encoding
 CUTF32BEUTF-32 big endian encoding
 CUTF32LEUTF-32 little endian enocoding
 CUTF8UTF-8 encoding
 CWriterJSON writer