cphot 0.1
A C++ tool for computing photometry from spectra.
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CASCII< CharType >ASCII encoding
 CAutoUTF< CharType >Dynamically select encoding according to stream's runtime-specified UTF encoding type
 CAutoUTFInputStream< CharType, InputByteStream >Input stream wrapper with dynamically bound encoding and automatic encoding detection
 CAutoUTFOutputStream< CharType, OutputByteStream >Output stream wrapper with dynamically bound encoding and automatic encoding detection
 CBaseReaderHandler< Encoding, Derived >Default implementation of Handler
 CBaseReaderHandler< typename SchemaDocumentType::SchemaType::EncodingType >
 CBasicIStreamWrapper< StreamType >Wrapper of std::basic_istream into RapidJSON's Stream concept
 CBasicOStreamWrapper< StreamType >Wrapper of std::basic_ostream into RapidJSON's Stream concept
 Ccphot::FilterUnit Aware Filter. input spectra and output values have units to avoid mis-interpretation
 Ccphot::filter_tStructure of the HDF5 filter record
 Ccphot::HDF5LibraryStorage of filters in HDF5 format
 Ccphot::LickIndexDefine a Lick Index similarily to a Filter object
 Ccphot::LickLibraryCollection of Lick indices
 Ccphot::SunClass that handles the Sun's spectrum and references
 Ccphot::VegaInterface to Vega reference data
 Ccphot_licks::lickdataStores the definition of a Lick index
 CCrtAllocatorC-runtime library allocator
 Cpretty_print::delimiters_values< char >
 Cpretty_print::delimiters_values< wchar_t >
 CEncodedInputStream< Encoding, InputByteStream >Input byte stream wrapper with a statically bound encoding
 CEncodedInputStream< UTF8<>, MemoryStream >Specialized for UTF8 MemoryStream
 CEncodedOutputStream< Encoding, OutputByteStream >Output byte stream wrapper with statically bound encoding
 CFileReadStreamFile byte stream for input using fread()
 CFileWriteStreamWrapper of C file stream for input using fread()
 CGenericArray< Const, ValueT >Helper class for accessing Value of array type
 CGenericDocument< Encoding, Allocator, StackAllocator >A document for parsing JSON text as DOM
 CGenericDocument< UTF8<> >
 CGenericInsituStringStream< Encoding >A read-write string stream
 CGenericMember< Encoding, Allocator >Name-value pair in a JSON object value
 CGenericMemoryBuffer< Allocator >Represents an in-memory output byte stream
 CGenericObject< Const, ValueT >Helper class for accessing Value of object type
 CGenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >Represents a JSON Pointer. Use Pointer for UTF8 encoding and default allocator
 CGenericPointer< ValueType, Allocator >::TokenA token is the basic units of internal representation
 CGenericReader< SourceEncoding, TargetEncoding, StackAllocator >SAX-style JSON parser. Use Reader for UTF8 encoding and default allocator
 CGenericSchemaDocument< ValueT, Allocator >JSON schema document
 CGenericSchemaValidator< SchemaDocumentType, OutputHandler, StateAllocator >JSON Schema Validator
 CGenericStringBuffer< Encoding, Allocator >Represents an in-memory output stream
 CGenericStringRef< CharType >Reference to a constant string (not taking a copy)
 CGenericStringStream< Encoding >Read-only string stream
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >Represents a JSON value. Use Value for UTF8 encoding and default allocator
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::ArrayData
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Data
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Flag
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Number
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Number::I
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::Number::U
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::ObjectData
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::ShortString
 CGenericValue< Encoding, Allocator >::String
 CGenericValue< EncodingType, AllocatorType >
 CGenericValue< rapidjson::Encoding, rapidjson::Allocator >
 CIGenericRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider< SchemaDocumentType >
 Cinternal::GenericRegex< Encoding, Allocator >Regular expression engine with subset of ECMAscript grammar
 Cinternal::Hasher< Encoding, Allocator >
 Cinternal::Hasher< Encoding, Allocator >::Number::U
 Cinternal::ISchemaStateFactory< SchemaType >
 Cinternal::Schema< SchemaDocumentType >
 Cinternal::SchemaValidationContext< SchemaDocumentType >
 Cinternal::Stack< Allocator >A type-unsafe stack for storing different types of data
 Cinternal::StreamLocalCopy< Stream, int >
 Cinternal::StreamLocalCopy< Stream, 0 >Keep reference
 Cinternal::StreamLocalCopy< Stream, 1 >Do copy optimization
 Cinternal::TokenHelper< Stack, Ch >
 Cinternal::TokenHelper< Stack, char >
 Cinternal::TypeHelper< ValueType, T >
 Cinternal::TypeHelper< ValueType, bool >
 Cinternal::TypeHelper< ValueType, const typename ValueType::Ch * >
 Cinternal::TypeHelper< ValueType, double >
 Cinternal::TypeHelper< ValueType, float >
 Cinternal::TypeHelper< ValueType, int >
 Cinternal::TypeHelper< ValueType, int64_t >
 Cinternal::TypeHelper< ValueType, typename ValueType::Array >
 Cinternal::TypeHelper< ValueType, typename ValueType::ConstArray >
 Cinternal::TypeHelper< ValueType, typename ValueType::ConstObject >
 Cinternal::TypeHelper< ValueType, typename ValueType::Object >
 Cinternal::TypeHelper< ValueType, uint64_t >
 Cinternal::TypeHelper< ValueType, unsigned >
 CMemoryPoolAllocator< BaseAllocator >Default memory allocator used by the parser and DOM
 CMemoryStreamRepresents an in-memory input byte stream
 CParseResultResult of parsing (wraps ParseErrorCode)
 Cpretty_print::array_wrapper_n< T >
 Cpretty_print::bucket_print_wrapper< T >
 Cpretty_print::custom_delims< Delims >
 Cpretty_print::delimiters< T, TChar >
 Cpretty_print::delimiters< ::std::multiset< T, TComp, TAllocator >, char >
 Cpretty_print::delimiters< ::std::multiset< T, TComp, TAllocator >, wchar_t >
 Cpretty_print::delimiters< ::std::pair< T1, T2 >, wchar_t >
 Cpretty_print::delimiters< ::std::set< T, TComp, TAllocator >, char >
 Cpretty_print::delimiters< ::std::set< T, TComp, TAllocator >, wchar_t >
 Cpretty_print::delimiters< ::std::tuple< Args... >, wchar_t >
 Cpretty_print::delimiters< ::std::unordered_multiset< T, THash, TEqual, TAllocator >, char >
 Cpretty_print::delimiters< ::std::unordered_multiset< T, THash, TEqual, TAllocator >, wchar_t >
 Cpretty_print::delimiters< ::std::unordered_set< T, THash, TEqual, TAllocator >, char >
 Cpretty_print::delimiters< ::std::unordered_set< T, THash, TEqual, TAllocator >, wchar_t >
 Cpretty_print::delimiters< std::pair< T1, T2 >, char >
 Cpretty_print::delimiters< std::tuple< Args... >, char >
 Cpretty_print::delimiters< T, char >
 Cpretty_print::delimiters< T, wchar_t >
 Cpretty_print::delimiters_values< TChar >
 Cpretty_print::print_container_helper< T, TChar, TCharTraits, TDelimiters >
 Cpretty_print::print_container_helper< T, TChar, TCharTraits, TDelimiters >::printer< U >
 Cpretty_print::print_container_helper< T, TChar, TCharTraits, TDelimiters >::printer< std::pair< T1, T2 > >
 Cpretty_print::print_container_helper< T, TChar, TCharTraits, TDelimiters >::printer< std::tuple< Args... > >
 Cpretty_print::print_container_helper< T, TChar, TCharTraits, TDelimiters >::printer< std::tuple< Args... > >::Int< I >
 CPrettyWriter< OutputStream, SourceEncoding, TargetEncoding, StackAllocator, writeFlags >Writer with indentation and spacing
 Crapidcsv::Converter< T >Class providing conversion to/from numerical datatypes and strings
 Crapidcsv::ConverterParamsDatastructure holding parameters controlling how invalid numbers (including empty strings) should be handled
 Crapidcsv::DocumentClass representing a CSV document
 Crapidcsv::LabelParamsDatastructure holding parameters controlling which row and column should be treated as labels
 Crapidcsv::LineReaderParamsDatastructure holding parameters controlling how special line formats should be treated
 Crapidcsv::SeparatorParamsDatastructure holding parameters controlling how the CSV data fields are separated
 CAllocatorConcept for allocating, resizing and freeing memory block
 CEncodingConcept for encoding of Unicode characters
 CHandlerConcept for receiving events from GenericReader upon parsing. The functions return true if no error occurs. If they return false, the event publisher should terminate the process
 CStreamConcept for reading and writing characters
 Crapidxml::attribute_iterator< Ch >Iterator of child attributes of xml_node
 Crapidxml::file< Ch >Represents data loaded from a file
 Crapidxml::memory_pool< Ch >This class is used by the parser to create new nodes and attributes, without overheads of dynamic memory allocation
 Crapidxml::node_iterator< Ch >Iterator of child nodes of xml_node
 Crapidxml::xml_attribute< Ch >Class representing attribute node of XML document
 Crapidxml::xml_base< Ch >Base class for xml_node and xml_attribute implementing common functions: name(), name_size(), value(), value_size() and parent()
 Crapidxml::xml_document< Ch >This class represents root of the DOM hierarchy
 Crapidxml::xml_node< Ch >Class representing a node of XML document
 CRQuantity< MassDim, LengthDim, TimeDim, AngleDim, CurrentDim, LumDim, SubDim, TempDim >Prototype template container class, that just holds a double value
 CSchemaValidatingReader< parseFlags, InputStream, SourceEncoding, SchemaDocumentType, StackAllocator >A helper class for parsing with validation
 Cinternal::Stack< CrtAllocator >
 Cinternal::Stack< rapidjson::Allocator >
 Cinternal::Stack< rapidjson::CrtAllocator >
 Cinternal::Stack< StackAllocator >
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 CStreamTraits< Stream >Provides additional information for stream
 CStreamTraits< GenericInsituStringStream< Encoding > >
 CStreamTraits< GenericStringStream< Encoding > >
 CTranscoder< SourceEncoding, TargetEncoding >Encoding conversion
 CTranscoder< Encoding, Encoding >Specialization of Transcoder with same source and target encoding
 CUTF16< CharType >UTF-16 encoding
 CUTF16< wchar_t >
 CUTF32< CharType >UTF-32 encoding
 CUTF32< unsigned >
 CUTF8< CharType >UTF-8 encoding
 Cvotable::FieldStore Table Field and data
 Cvotable::ParamStore Table Parameter Attributes
 Cvotable::VOField< T >Store parsed data from VOTable with a non-string format
 Cvotable::VOTableClass defining a very simple parser of XML VOTable
 CWriter< OutputStream, SourceEncoding, TargetEncoding, StackAllocator, writeFlags >JSON writer
 CWriter< OutputStream, SourceEncoding, TargetEncoding, StackAllocator, writeFlags >::LevelInformation for each nested level
 Crapidxml::xml_attribute< char >
 Crapidxml::xml_node< char >