Updating my website, blogging perspective
New year, new role, new resolutions. I am planning to write a bit more and I need a good setup.
Last updated on 2022-05-17 · 2min read · Setup, Website
Last November, I started my tenure job (yay! 🥳) of data scientist at MPIA. In this new role, I want to support scientists to carry out novel, cutting-edge research and to establish MPIA as a world-wide leader in astronomical data science.
- Solidify foundational hacking & coding skill.
- Provide a space to explore and develop data science skills.
- Networking, outside presence and broader impact
- Help the career development of my colleagues.
I felt that I should have a place to store and publish notes and ideas. I am therefore creating this new website which offers blog type publications.
I am very inspired by Hugo in particular the Academic template. However, my first impression is that the structure of the repository is cluttered, or too complex for my taste. Also I am not a bit fan of using a third party service to publish the website. By default you are guided to use Netlify. I'm sure it is a very powerful platform, but I'm happy to remain simple and keep using GitHub.
This new website is a work in progress. My goals are to:
- Make a more modern and cleaner version of what I had before. (in particular update the js libraries 😉)
- Provide a space to share ideas and notes.
- Make a site that is super easy to maintain: compiling it from pure markdown! (and some python scripts)
My solution was to revamp my old content and adapt the design using the template from BootstrapMade - MyResume
Some realizations in this project:
- Markdown is so powerful for this game. You can add meta data to the files and use it to generate information.
- Why did I not use templating more before? 🤦
- HTML/CSS flex is such a game changer in aranging web content. I am a fan of it.