Source code for pystellibs.stellib

Stellar library class

Intent to implement a generic module to manage stellar library from various

The interpolation is implemented from the pegase.2 fortran converted algorithm.
(this may not be super pythonic though)

.. note::

    a cython version is available for speed up and should be used transparently when available
    (run make once)
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from itertools import groupby

from .ezunits import unit, hasUnit
from .helpers import nbytes, isNestedInstance
from .future import Path
from .interpolator import NDLinearInterpolator, find_interpolator

lsun = 3.839e+26   # in W (Watts)
sig_stefan = 5.67037321 * 1e-8  # W * m**-2 * K**-4
rsun = 6.955e8  # in meters
_default_interpolator = find_interpolator('lejeune')

def _drop_units(q):
    """ Drop the unit definition silently """
        return q.magnitude
        return q

[docs]class Stellib(object): """ Basic stellar library class Attributes ---------- interpolator: interpolator.BaseInterpolator interpolator to use, default LeujeuneInterpolator """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Contructor """ self.interpolator = find_interpolator( kwargs.pop('interpolator', None), osl=self) if self.interpolator is None: self.interpolator = _default_interpolator(self) if not hasattr(self, 'wavelength_unit'): self.wavelength_unit = None self._dlogT = 0.5 self._dlogg = 0.5
[docs] def set_default_extrapolation_bounds(self, dlogT=None, dlogg=None): if dlogT is not None: self._dlogT = dlogT if dlogg is not None: self._dlogg = dlogg
[docs] def get_interpolation_data(self): """ Default interpolation """ return np.array([self.logT, self.logg, self.logZ]).T
@property def wavelength(self): l = np.copy(self._wavelength) if self.wavelength_unit is not None: return l * unit[self.wavelength_unit] else: return l @property def flux_units(self): if self.wavelength_unit is not None: return unit['erg/s/' + self.wavelength_unit] else: return 1. def _load_(self): """ Load the library """ raise NotImplementedError @property def nbytes(self): """ return the number of bytes of the object """ return nbytes(self)
[docs] def plot_boundary(self, ax=None, dlogT=0., dlogg=0., **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- dlogT: float margin in logT (see get_boundaries) dlogg: float margin in logg (see get_boundaries) .. see also:: :func:`matplotlib.plot` For additional kwargs """ import matplotlib.patches as patches from pylab import gca if ax is None: ax = gca() p = self.get_boundaries(dlogT=dlogT, dlogg=dlogg) ax.add_patch(patches.PathPatch(p, **kwargs)) return p
def __add__(self, other): if not isNestedInstance(other, Stellib): raise ValueError('expecting a Stellib object, got {0}'.format(type(other))) return CompositeStellib([self, other]) def __repr__(self): return "{0:s}, ({1:s})\n{2:s}".format(, nbytes(self, pprint=True), object.__repr__(self))
[docs] def get_weights(self, logT, logg, logL, weights=None): """ Returns the proper weights for the interpolation in spectra libraries the default is to have Lbol=1 normalization Parameters ---------- logT: float or ndarray log-temperatures log(T/K) logg: float or ndarray log-gravity log(g) logL: float or ndarray bolometric luminosity (log (L/Lsun)) """ # weights to apply during the interpolation (note that radii must be in cm) # Stellar library models are given in cm^-2 ( 4 pi R) # Compute radii of each point using log(T) and log(L) L = 10 ** logL * unit['lsun'].to("ergs/s").magnitude if weights is not None: weights *= L else: weights = L return weights
[docs] def generate_stellar_spectrum(self, logT, logg, logL, Z, raise_extrapolation=True, **kwargs): """ Generates individual spectrum for the given stars APs and the stellar library Returns NaN spectra if the boundary conditions are not met (no extrapolation) Parameters ---------- logT: float temperature logg: float log-gravity logL: float log-luminosity Z: float metallicity raise_extrapolation: bool if set throw error on extrapolation null: value value of the flux when extrapolation and raise_extrapolation is not set returns ------- s0: ndarray, shape=(len(stars), len(l0)) array of spectra, one per input star Spectrum in ergs/s/AA or ergs/s/AA/Lsun """ null_value = kwargs.pop('null', np.nan) # weights to apply during the interpolation (note that radii must be in cm) weights = self.get_weights(logT, logg, logL) logZ = np.log10(Z) l0 = self.wavelength # check boundary conditions, keep the data but do not compute the sed # if outside if not self.points_inside(np.atleast_2d([logT, logg]))[0]: if raise_extrapolation: raise RuntimeError('Outside library interpolation range') else: return l0, np.full(len(self.wavelength), null_value) aps = logT, logg, logZ spec = self.interpolator.interp(aps) * weights return spec
[docs] def generate_individual_values(self, stars, values, **kwargs): """ Generates individual spectra for the given stars and stellar library Returns NaN spectra if the boundary conditions are not met (no extrapolation) Parameters ---------- stars: Table contains at least (logT, logg, logL, Z) of the considered stars values: sequence or attribute name value to interpolate dlogT: float margin in logT dlogg: float margin in logg returns ------- values: sequence value to interpolate """ _values = np.atleast_1d(getattr(self, values, values)) null_value = kwargs.pop('null', np.nan) dlogT = kwargs.pop('dlogT', self._dlogT) dlogg = kwargs.pop('dlogg', self._dlogg) ndata = len(stars) logT, logg, logL, Z = stars['logT'], stars['logg'], stars['logL'], stars['Z'] # weights to apply during the interpolation (note that radii must be in cm) weights = self.get_weights(logT, logg, logL) # check boundary conditions, keep the data but do not compute the sed # if outside bound = self.points_inside(np.array([logT, logg]).T, dlogT=dlogT, dlogg=dlogg) if np.ndim(_values) == 1: specs = np.empty(ndata, dtype=float) else: specs = np.empty((ndata, _values.shape[1]), dtype=float) specs[~bound] = null_value logZ = np.log10(Z) aps = np.array([logT, logg, logZ]).T s = self.interpolator.interp_other(aps[bound], _values) * weights[bound] specs[bound] = np.squeeze(s) return specs
[docs] def generate_individual_spectra(self, stars, **kwargs): """ Generates individual spectra for the given stars and stellar library Returns NaN spectra if the boundary conditions are not met (no extrapolation) Parameters ---------- stars: Table contains at least (logT, logg, logL, Z) of the considered stars dlogT: float margin in logT dlogg: float margin in logg returns ------- l0: ndarray, ndim=1 wavelength definition of the spectra wavelength in AA s0: ndarray, shape=(len(stars), len(l0)) array of spectra, one per input star Spectrum in ergs/s/AA or lsun/AA """ null_value = kwargs.pop('null', np.nan) dlogT = kwargs.pop('dlogT', self._dlogT) dlogg = kwargs.pop('dlogg', self._dlogg) ndata = len(stars) logT, logg, logL, Z = stars['logT'], stars['logg'], stars['logL'], stars['Z'] # weights to apply during the interpolation (note that radii must be in cm) weights = self.get_weights(logT, logg, logL) # check boundary conditions, keep the data but do not compute the sed # if outside bound = self.points_inside(np.array([logT, logg]).T, dlogT=dlogT, dlogg=dlogg) specs = np.empty((ndata, len(self._wavelength)), dtype=float) specs[~bound] = np.full(len(self.wavelength), null_value) logZ = np.log10(Z) aps = np.array([logT, logg, logZ]).T s = self.interpolator.interp(aps[bound]) * weights[bound, None] specs[bound] = s l0 = self.wavelength specs = specs * self.flux_units return l0, specs
[docs] def points_inside(self, xypoints, dlogT=0.1, dlogg=0.5): """ Returns if a point is inside the polygon defined by the boundary of the library Parameters ---------- xypoints: sequence a sequence of N logg, logT pairs. dlogT: float margin in logT dlogg: float margin in logg returns ------- r: ndarray(dtype=bool) a boolean ndarray, True for points inside the polygon. A point on the boundary may be treated as inside or outside. """ p = self.get_boundaries(dlogT=dlogT, dlogg=dlogg) return p.contains_points(xypoints)
[docs] def get_radius(self, logl, logt): """ Returns the radius of a star given its luminosity and temperature Assuming a black body, it comes: .. math:: R ^ 2 = L / ( 4 \pi \sigma T ^ 4 ), with: * L, luminosity in W, * pi, 3.141592... * sig, Stefan constant in W * m**-2 * K**-4 * T, temperature in K Parameters ---------- logl: ndarray[float, ndim=1] log luminosities from the isochrones, in Lsun logt: ndarray[float, ndim=1] log temperatures from the isochrones, in K returns ------- radii: ndarray[float, ndim=1] array of radii in m (SI units) """ return np.sqrt( (10 ** logl) * lsun / (4.0 * np.pi * sig_stefan * ((10 ** logt) ** 4)) )
[docs] def get_boundaries(self, dlogT=0.1, dlogg=0.3, **kwargs): """ Returns the closed boundary polygon around the stellar library with given margins Parameters ---------- s: Stellib Stellar library object dlogT: float margin in logT dlogg: float margin in logg returns ------- b: ndarray[float, ndim=2] closed boundary edge points: [logT, logg] .. note:: as computing the boundary could take time, it is saved in the object and only recomputed when parameters are updated """ # if bbox is defined then assumes it is more precise and use it instead. if dlogT is None: dlogT = 0.1 if dlogg is None: dlogg = 0.3 if hasattr(self, 'bbox'): return Path(self.bbox(dlogT, dlogg)) if getattr(self, '_bound', None) is not None: # check if recomputing is needed if ((self._bound[1] - dlogT) < 1e-3) and (abs(self._bound[2] - dlogg) < 1e-3): return self._bound[0] leftb = [(np.max(self.logT[self.logg == k]) + dlogT, k ) for k in np.unique(self.logg)] leftb += [(leftb[-1][1], leftb[-1][0] + dlogg)] leftb = [(leftb[0][1], leftb[0][0] - dlogg)] + leftb rightb = [(np.min(self.logT[self.logg == k]) - dlogT, k) for k in np.unique(self.logg)[::-1]] rightb += [(rightb[-1][1], rightb[-1][0] - dlogg)] rightb = [(rightb[0][1], rightb[0][0] + dlogg)] + rightb b = leftb + rightb b += [b[0]] self._bound = (Path(np.array(b)), dlogT, dlogg) return self._bound[0]
[docs]class AtmosphereLib(Stellib): """ Almost identical to a spectral library. The difference lies into the units of the input libraries. """
[docs] def get_weights(self, logT, logg, logL, weights=None): """ Returns the proper weights for the interpolation Stellar atmospheres are normalized to Radius = 1 Parameters ---------- logT: float or ndarray log-temperatures log(T/K) logg: float or ndarray log-gravity log(g) logL: float or ndarray bolometric luminosity (log (L/Lsun)) """ # weights to apply during the interpolation (note that radii must be in cm) # Stellar library models are given in cm^-2 ( 4 pi R) # Compute radii of each point using log(T) and log(L) radii = self.get_radius(logL, logT) if weights is not None: weights *= 4. * np.pi * (radii * 1e2) ** 2 else: weights = 4. * np.pi * (radii * 1e2) ** 2 return weights
[docs]class CompositeStellib(Stellib): """ Generates an object from the union of multiple individual libraries """ def __init__(self, osllist, *args, **kwargs): self._olist = osllist self._dlogT = 0.5 self._dlogg = 0.5 @property def name(self): return ' + '.join([ for sl in self._olist])
[docs] def set_default_extrapolation_bounds(self, dlogT=None, dlogg=None): if dlogT is not None: self._dlogT = dlogT if dlogg is not None: self._dlogg = dlogg for oslk in self._olist: oslk.set_default_extrapolation_bounds(dlogT, dlogg)
def __add__(self, other): """ Adding a library after """ if not isNestedInstance(other, Stellib): raise ValueError('expecting a Stellib object, got {0}'.format(type(other))) lst = [k for k in self._olist] + [other] return CompositeStellib(lst) def __radd__(self, other): """ Adding a library before """ if not isNestedInstance(other, Stellib): raise ValueError('expecting a Stellib object, got {0}'.format(type(other))) lst = [other] + [k for k in self._olist] return CompositeStellib(lst) @property def wavelength(self): """ return a common wavelength sampling to all libraries. This can be used to reinterpolate any spectrum onto a common definition """ # check units has_units = [hasUnit(osl.wavelength) for osl in self._olist] test = sum(has_units) if (test == 0): return np.unique(np.asarray([ osl._wavelength for osl in self._olist ])) # which library sets the units common_unit = self._olist[0].wavelength_unit libset_unit = self._olist[0].name # if some libraries do not have units... Should not happen often! if (test < len(self._olist)): for k, osl in enumerate(self._olist): common_unit = osl.wavelength_unit libset_unit = if common_unit is not None: break print("Warning: Some libraries do not have units. Assuming consistency with {0:s}".format(libset_unit)) wave = [] for osl in self._olist: wave.append( return np.unique(np.array(wave)) * unit[common_unit] @property def _wavelength(self): return _drop_units(self.wavelength) @property def source(self): return ' + '.join([ for k in self._olist]) @property def logT(self): return np.hstack([osl.logT for osl in self._olist]) @property def logg(self): return np.hstack([osl.logg for osl in self._olist]) @property def Teff(self): return np.hstack([osl.Teff for osl in self._olist]) @property def Z(self): return np.hstack([osl.Z for osl in self._olist]) @property def logZ(self): return np.hstack([osl.logZ for osl in self._olist]) @property def flux_units(self): return self._olist[0].flux_units
[docs] def which_osl(self, xypoints, **kwargs): """ Returns the library indice that contains each point in xypoints The decision is made from a two step search: * first, each point is checked against the strict boundary of each library (i.e., dlogT = 0, dlogg = 0). * second, if points are not found in strict mode, the boundary is relaxed and a new search is made. Each point is associated to the first library matching the above conditions. Parameters ---------- xypoints: sequence a sequence of N logg, logT pairs. dlogT: float margin in logT dlogg: float margin in logg returns ------- res: ndarray(dtype=int) a ndarray, 0 meaning no library covers the point, and 1, ... n, for the n-th library """ dlogT = kwargs.pop('dlogT', self._dlogT) dlogg = kwargs.pop('dlogg', self._dlogg) xy = np.atleast_2d(xypoints) # check that all points are in the full boundary area # MF: testing why points_inside does not agree on all computers... # as we do not keep individual results, no need to store then all # first, collapse directly # res_temp = np.zeros((len(xy),len(self._olist))) # for ek,ok in enumerate(self._olist): # res_temp[:, ek] = ok.points_inside(xy, dlogT=dlogT, dlogg=dlogg).astype(int) res_temp = np.zeros(len(xy), dtype=int) for ek, ok in enumerate(self._olist): res_temp += ok.points_inside(xy, dlogT=dlogT, dlogg=dlogg).astype(int) ind = res_temp > 0 res = np.zeros(len(xy), dtype=int) res[ind] = 1 res = res - 1 # res = self.points_inside(xy, dlogT=dlogT, dlogg=dlogg).astype(int) - 1 # if res == -1: invalid point, res == 0: proceed if max(res) < 0: # DEBUG: should generate an exeception in further functions # TODO: get rid and replace return res # return res # Strict mode # =========== # Not extrapolation allowed >> dlogT = 0, dlogg = 0 # 0 is used to flag points without a matching library yet # libraries are then indexed from 1 to n # -1 means point outside the compound library for ek, ok in enumerate(self._olist): if 0 in res: ind = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(np.where(res == 0))) r = ok.points_inside(xy[ind], dlogT=0., dlogg=0.) res[ind[r]] = ek + 1 # Relaxed mode # ============ # In this case we accept some flexibility in the boundary limits, # which allows limited extrapolation ranges. # this only affects points not already matched if 0 in res: for ek, ok in enumerate(self._olist): if 0 in res: ind = np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(np.where(res == 0))) r = ok.points_inside(xy[ind], dlogT=dlogT, dlogg=dlogg) res[ind[r]] = ek + 1 return res
def __repr__(self): return "CompositeStellib, {0}\n{1}".format(object.__repr__(self), '\n'.join([ for k in self._olist]))
[docs] def get_boundaries(self, **kwargs): """ Returns the closed boundary polygon around the stellar library with given margins Parameters ---------- s: Stellib Stellar library object dlogT: float margin in logT dlogg: float margin in logg returns ------- b: ndarray[float, ndim=2] (closed) boundary points: [logg, Teff] (or [Teff, logg] is swap is True) .. note:: as computing the boundary could take time, it is saved in the object and only recomputed when parameters are updated """ dlogT = kwargs.pop('dlogT', self._dlogT) dlogg = kwargs.pop('dlogg', self._dlogg) if getattr(self, '_bound', None) is not None: if ((self._bound[1] - dlogT) < 1e-3) and (abs(self._bound[2] - dlogg) < 1e-3): return self._bound[0] b = [osl.get_boundaries(dlogT=dlogT, dlogg=dlogg, **kwargs) for osl in self._olist] self._bound = (Path.make_compound_path(*b), dlogT, dlogg) return self._bound[0]
[docs] def generate_stellar_spectrum(self, logT, logg, logL, Z, raise_extrapolation=True, **kwargs): """ Generates individual spectrum for the given stars APs and the stellar library Returns NaN spectra if the boundary conditions are not met (no extrapolation) Parameters ---------- logT: float temperature logg: float log-gravity logL: float log-luminosity Z: float metallicity raise_extrapolation: bool if set throw error on extrapolation null: value value of the flux when extrapolation and raise_extrapolation is not set returns ------- s0: ndarray, shape=(len(stars), len(l0)) array of spectra, one per input star Spectrum in ergs/s/AA or ergs/s/AA/Lsun """ try: bounds = kwargs.pop('bounds', None) dlogT = bounds.get('dlogT', self._dlogT) dlogg = bounds.get('dlogg', self._dlogg) except: dlogT = None dlogg = None osl_index = self.which_osl(np.atleast_2d([logT, logg]), dlogT=dlogT, dlogg=dlogg)[0] osl = self._olist[osl_index - 1] specs = osl.generate_stellar_spectrum(logT, logg, logL, Z, raise_extrapolation, **kwargs) specs = self.reinterpolate_spectra(osl.wavelength, specs, fill_value=0., bounds_error=False) return specs
[docs] def reinterpolate_spectra(self, l0, specs, **kwargs): """ One-dimensional linear interpolation onto the common wavelength. Returns the one-dimensional interpolated spectrum Parameters ---------- l0 : 1-D sequence of floats (with units or not) wavelength of the spectrum to interpolate specs : 1-D sequence of floats spectrum to reinterpolate left : float, optional Value to return for `x < xp[0]`, default is `fp[0]`. right : float, optional Value to return for `x > xp[-1]`, default is `fp[-1]`. period : None or float, optional A period for the x-coordinates. This parameter allows the proper interpolation of angular x-coordinates. Parameters `left` and `right` are ignored if `period` is specified. Returns ------- spec : ndarray The interpolated values """ # TODO: proper reinterpolation that conserves energy... but makes a new # resolution wave = self.wavelength try: wave = except: wave = _drop_units(wave) func = interp1d(_drop_units(l0), _drop_units(specs), **kwargs) f = func(_drop_units(wave)) return f
[docs] def generate_individual_spectra(self, stars, **kwargs): """ Generates individual spectra for the given stars and stellar library Returns NaN spectra if the boundary conditions are not met (no extrapolation) Parameters ---------- stars: Table contains at least (logT, logg, logL, Z) of the considered stars returns ------- l0: ndarray, ndim=1 wavelength definition of the spectra wavelength in AA s0: ndarray, shape=(len(stars), len(l0)) array of spectra, one per input star Spectrum in ergs/s/AA or ergs/s/AA/Lsun """ null_value = kwargs.pop('null', np.nan) try: bounds = kwargs.pop('bounds', None) dlogT = bounds.get('dlogT', self._dlogT) dlogg = bounds.get('dlogg', self._dlogg) except: dlogT = None dlogg = None ndata = len(stars) logT, logg, logL, Z = stars['logT'], stars['logg'], stars['logL'], stars['Z'] # find which library per star osl_index = self.which_osl(list(zip(logT, logg)), dlogT=dlogT, dlogg=dlogg) # group calculations per library groups = [(osl_i, [k[0] for k in grp]) for osl_i, grp in groupby(enumerate(osl_index), lambda x:x[1])] # Do the actual interpolation, avoiding exptrapolations spectra = np.empty( (ndata, len(self.wavelength)), dtype=float ) for osl_i, idx_group in groups: ind = np.array(idx_group) if osl_i > 0: _osl = self._olist[osl_i - 1] lambdas, specs = _osl.generate_individual_spectra(stars[ind]) spectra[ind] = self.reinterpolate_spectra( _drop_units(lambdas), _drop_units(specs), bounds_error=False, fill_value=0., **kwargs ) else: spectra[ind] = null_value l0 = self.wavelength spectra = spectra * self.flux_units return l0, spectra, osl_index
[docs] def generate_individual_values(self, stars, values, **kwargs): """ Generates individual spectra for the given stars and stellar library Returns NaN spectra if the boundary conditions are not met (no extrapolation) Parameters ---------- stars: Table contains at least (logT, logg, logL, Z) of the considered stars values: sequence or attribute name value to interpolate returns ------- values: sequence value to interpolate """ null_value = kwargs.pop('null', np.nan) try: bounds = kwargs.pop('bounds', None) dlogT = bounds.get('dlogT', self._dlogT) dlogg = bounds.get('dlogg', self._dlogg) except: dlogT = None dlogg = None ndata = len(stars) logT, logg, logL, Z = stars['logT'], stars['logg'], stars['logL'], stars['Z'] # find which library per star osl_index = self.which_osl(list(zip(logT, logg)), dlogT=dlogT, dlogg=dlogg) # group calculations per library groups = [(osl_i, [k[0] for k in grp]) for osl_i, grp in groupby(enumerate(osl_index), lambda x:x[1])] # Do the actual interpolation, avoiding exptrapolations spectra = np.empty(ndata, dtype=float ) for osl_i, idx_group in groups: ind = np.array(idx_group) if osl_i > 0: _osl = self._olist[osl_i - 1] spectra[ind] = _osl.generate_individual_values(stars[ind], values, **kwargs) else: spectra[ind] = null_value return spectra, osl_index