cphot 0.1
A C++ tool for computing photometry from spectra.
Lick indices

Lick indices calculations. More...


class  cphot::LickIndex
 Define a Lick Index similarily to a Filter object. More...
class  cphot::LickLibrary
 Collection of Lick indices. More...


DMatrix cphot::reduce_resolution (const DMatrix &w, const DMatrix &flux, double fwhm0, double sigma_floor)
 Adapt the resolution of the spectra to match the lick definitions. More...

Detailed Description

Lick indices calculations.

This package provides function to compute spectral indices.

We provide a collection of many common indices. The Lick system of spectral line indices is one of the most commonly used methods of determining ages and metallicities of unresolved (integrated light) stellar populations.

The calibration of the Lick/ IDS system is complicated because the original Lick spectra were not flux calibrated, so there are usually systematic effects due to differences in continuum shape. Proper calibration involves observing many of the original Lick/IDS standard stars and deriving offsets to the standard system.


In Vazdekis et al. (2010), we propose a new Line Index System, hereafter LIS, with three new spectral resolutions at which to measure the Lick indices. Note that this new system should not be restricted to the Lick set of indices in a flux calibrated system. In fact, LIS can be used for any index in the literature (e.g., for the Rose (1984) indices), including newly defined indices (e.g., Cervantes & Vazdekis 2009). The LIS system is defined for 3 different spectral resolutions which are best suited for the following astrophysical cases:
  • LIS-5.0AA: globular clusters
  • LIS-8.4AA: low and intermediate-mass galaxies
  • LIS-14.0AA: massive galaxies Conversions to transform the data from the Lick/IDS system to LIS can be found with discussion of indices and information in Johansson, Thomas & Maraston (2010) http://wwwmpa.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~jonasj/milesff/milesff.pdf

Function Documentation

◆ reduce_resolution()

DMatrix cphot::reduce_resolution ( const DMatrix w,
const DMatrix flux,
double  fwhm0,
double  sigma_floor 

Adapt the resolution of the spectra to match the lick definitions.

Lick definitions have different resolution elements as function of wavelength. These definition are hard-coded in this function

wwavelength definition in Angstrom
fluxspectra to convert
fwhm0initial broadening in the spectra fi
sigma_floorminimal dispersion to consider
flux_red reduced spectra

Definition at line 67 of file licks.hpp.