cphot 0.1
A C++ tool for computing photometry from spectra.
prettyprint.hpp File Reference
#include <cstddef>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <set>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <valarray>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  pretty_print::detail::sfinae_base
struct  pretty_print::detail::has_const_iterator< T >
struct  pretty_print::detail::has_begin_end< T >
struct  pretty_print::delimiters_values< TChar >
struct  pretty_print::delimiters< T, TChar >
struct  pretty_print::print_container_helper< T, TChar, TCharTraits, TDelimiters >
struct  pretty_print::print_container_helper< T, TChar, TCharTraits, TDelimiters >::printer< U >
struct  pretty_print::print_container_helper< T, TChar, TCharTraits, TDelimiters >::printer< std::pair< T1, T2 > >
struct  pretty_print::print_container_helper< T, TChar, TCharTraits, TDelimiters >::printer< std::tuple< Args... > >
struct  pretty_print::print_container_helper< T, TChar, TCharTraits, TDelimiters >::printer< std::tuple< Args... > >::Int< I >
struct  pretty_print::is_container< T >
struct  pretty_print::is_container< T[N]>
struct  pretty_print::is_container< char[N]>
struct  pretty_print::is_container< std::valarray< T > >
struct  pretty_print::is_container< std::pair< T1, T2 > >
struct  pretty_print::is_container< std::tuple< Args... > >
struct  pretty_print::delimiters< T, char >
struct  pretty_print::delimiters< T, wchar_t >
struct  pretty_print::delimiters< ::std::set< T, TComp, TAllocator >, char >
struct  pretty_print::delimiters< ::std::set< T, TComp, TAllocator >, wchar_t >
struct  pretty_print::delimiters< ::std::multiset< T, TComp, TAllocator >, char >
struct  pretty_print::delimiters< ::std::multiset< T, TComp, TAllocator >, wchar_t >
struct  pretty_print::delimiters< ::std::unordered_set< T, THash, TEqual, TAllocator >, char >
struct  pretty_print::delimiters< ::std::unordered_set< T, THash, TEqual, TAllocator >, wchar_t >
struct  pretty_print::delimiters< ::std::unordered_multiset< T, THash, TEqual, TAllocator >, char >
struct  pretty_print::delimiters< ::std::unordered_multiset< T, THash, TEqual, TAllocator >, wchar_t >
struct  pretty_print::delimiters< std::pair< T1, T2 >, char >
struct  pretty_print::delimiters< ::std::pair< T1, T2 >, wchar_t >
struct  pretty_print::delimiters< std::tuple< Args... >, char >
struct  pretty_print::delimiters< ::std::tuple< Args... >, wchar_t >
struct  pretty_print::custom_delims_base
struct  pretty_print::custom_delims_wrapper< T, Delims >
struct  pretty_print::custom_delims< Delims >
struct  pretty_print::array_wrapper_n< T >
struct  pretty_print::bucket_print_wrapper< T >


 A pretty printing library for C++ containers.


template<typename T , typename TChar , typename TCharTraits , typename TDelimiters >
std::basic_ostream< TChar, TCharTraits > & pretty_print::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< TChar, TCharTraits > &stream, const print_container_helper< T, TChar, TCharTraits, TDelimiters > &helper)
template<typename TChar , typename TCharTraits , typename Delims >
std::basic_ostream< TChar, TCharTraits > & pretty_print::operator<< (std::basic_ostream< TChar, TCharTraits > &s, const custom_delims< Delims > &p)
template<typename T >
pretty_print::array_wrapper_n< T > pretty_print_array (const T *const a, size_t n)
template<typename T >
pretty_print::bucket_print_wrapper< T > bucket_print (const T &m, typename T::size_type n)
template<typename T , typename TChar , typename TCharTraits >
enable_if< ::pretty_print::is_container< T >::value, basic_ostream< TChar, TCharTraits > & >::type std::operator<< (basic_ostream< TChar, TCharTraits > &stream, const T &container)

Function Documentation

◆ bucket_print()

template<typename T >
pretty_print::bucket_print_wrapper<T> bucket_print ( const T &  m,
typename T::size_type  n 

Definition at line 427 of file prettyprint.hpp.

◆ operator<<()

template<typename T , typename TChar , typename TCharTraits >
enable_if< ::pretty_print::is_container<T>::value, basic_ostream<TChar, TCharTraits> &>::type std::operator<< ( basic_ostream< TChar, TCharTraits > &  stream,
const T &  container 

Definition at line 443 of file prettyprint.hpp.

◆ pretty_print_array()

template<typename T >
pretty_print::array_wrapper_n<T> pretty_print_array ( const T *const  a,
size_t  n 

Definition at line 421 of file prettyprint.hpp.