cphot 0.1
A C++ tool for computing photometry from spectra.
rquantities.hpp File Reference
#include <ratio>
#include <ostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <string_view>
#include <map>

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class  RQuantity< MassDim, LengthDim, TimeDim, AngleDim, CurrentDim, LumDim, SubDim, TempDim >
 prototype template container class, that just holds a double value. More...


 Convenient shortcuts.


#define QUANTITY_TYPE(_Mdim, _Ldim, _Tdim, _Adim, _CDim, _LumDim, _SubDim, TempDim, name)   typedef RQuantity<std::ratio<_Mdim>, std::ratio<_Ldim>, std::ratio<_Tdim>, std::ratio<_Adim>, std::ratio<_CDim>, std::ratio<_LumDim>, std::ratio<_SubDim>, std::ratio<TempDim>> name;
#define ConvertTo(_x, _y)   (_x).Convert(1.0_##_y)


 QUANTITY_TYPE (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Number)
 QUANTITY_TYPE (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, QMass)
 QUANTITY_TYPE (0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, QLength)
 QUANTITY_TYPE (0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, QArea)
 QUANTITY_TYPE (0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, QVolume)
 QUANTITY_TYPE (0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, QTime)
 QUANTITY_TYPE (0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, QSpeed)
 QUANTITY_TYPE (0, 1, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, QAcceleration)
 QUANTITY_TYPE (0, 1, -3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, QJerk)
 QUANTITY_TYPE (0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, QFrequency)
 QUANTITY_TYPE (1, 1, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, QForce)
 QUANTITY_TYPE (1, -1, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, QPressure)
 QUANTITY_TYPE (0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, QCurrent)
 QUANTITY_TYPE (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, QLuminosity)
 QUANTITY_TYPE (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, QSubstance)
 QUANTITY_TYPE (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, QTemperature)
 QUANTITY_TYPE (1, 2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, QEnergy)
 QUANTITY_TYPE (1, 2, -3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, QFlux)
 QUANTITY_TYPE (1, -1, -3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, QSpectralFluxDensity)
 QUANTITY_TYPE (0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, Angle)
 QUANTITY_TYPE (0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, AngleArea)
template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
constexpr RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > operator+ (const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &lhs, const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &rhs)
template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
constexpr RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > operator- (const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &lhs, const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &rhs)
template<typename M1 , typename l1 , typename T1 , typename A1 , typename C1 , typename L1 , typename S1 , typename D1 , typename M2 , typename l2 , typename T2 , typename A2 , typename C2 , typename L2 , typename S2 , typename D2 >
constexpr RQuantity< std::ratio_add< M1, M2 >, std::ratio_add< l1, l2 >, std::ratio_add< T1, T2 >, std::ratio_add< A1, A2 >, std::ratio_add< C1, C2 >, std::ratio_add< L1, L2 >, std::ratio_add< S1, S2 >, std::ratio_add< D1, D2 > > operator* (const RQuantity< M1, l1, T1, A1, C1, L1, S1, D1 > &lhs, const RQuantity< M2, l2, T2, A2, C2, L2, S2, D2 > &rhs)
template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
constexpr RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > operator* (const double &lhs, const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &rhs)
template<typename M1 , typename l1 , typename T1 , typename A1 , typename C1 , typename L1 , typename S1 , typename D1 , typename M2 , typename l2 , typename T2 , typename A2 , typename C2 , typename L2 , typename S2 , typename D2 >
constexpr RQuantity< std::ratio_subtract< M1, M2 >, std::ratio_subtract< l1, l2 >, std::ratio_subtract< T1, T2 >, std::ratio_subtract< A1, A2 >, std::ratio_subtract< C1, C2 >, std::ratio_subtract< L1, L2 >, std::ratio_subtract< S1, S2 >, std::ratio_subtract< D1, D2 > > operator/ (const RQuantity< M1, l1, T1, A1, C1, L1, S1, D1 > &lhs, const RQuantity< M2, l2, T2, A2, C2, L2, S2, D2 > &rhs)
template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
constexpr RQuantity< std::ratio_subtract< std::ratio< 0 >, M >, std::ratio_subtract< std::ratio< 0 >, l >, std::ratio_subtract< std::ratio< 0 >, T >, std::ratio_subtract< std::ratio< 0 >, A >, std::ratio_subtract< std::ratio< 0 >, C >, std::ratio_subtract< std::ratio< 0 >, L >, std::ratio_subtract< std::ratio< 0 >, S >, std::ratio_subtract< std::ratio< 0 >, D > > operator/ (double x, const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &rhs)
template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
constexpr RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > operator/ (const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &rhs, double x)
template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
constexpr bool operator== (const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &lhs, const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &rhs)
template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
constexpr bool operator!= (const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &lhs, const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &rhs)
template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
constexpr bool operator<= (const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &lhs, const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &rhs)
template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
constexpr bool operator>= (const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &lhs, const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &rhs)
template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
constexpr bool operator< (const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &lhs, const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &rhs)
template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
constexpr bool operator> (const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &lhs, const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &rhs)
constexpr QMass kg (1.0)
constexpr QLength metre (1.0)
constexpr QTime second (1.0)
constexpr QFrequency Hz (1.0)
constexpr QForce newton (1.0)
constexpr QPressure Pascal (1.0)
constexpr QCurrent ampere (1.0)
constexpr QLuminosity candela (1.0)
constexpr QSubstance mole (1.0)
constexpr QTemperature degK (1.0)
constexpr QLength operator""_pc (long double x)
constexpr QLength operator""_pc (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QLength operator""_AA (long double x)
constexpr QLength operator""_nm (long double x)
constexpr QLength operator""_mm (long double x)
constexpr QLength operator""_cm (long double x)
constexpr QLength operator""_m (long double x)
constexpr QLength operator""_km (long double x)
constexpr QLength operator""_mi (long double x)
constexpr QLength operator""_yd (long double x)
constexpr QLength operator""_ft (long double x)
constexpr QLength operator""_in (long double x)
constexpr QLength operator""_mm (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QLength operator""_cm (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QLength operator""_m (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QLength operator""_km (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QLength operator""_mi (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QLength operator""_yd (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QLength operator""_ft (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QLength operator""_in (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QSpeed operator""_mps (long double x)
constexpr QSpeed operator""_miph (long double x)
constexpr QSpeed operator""_kmph (long double x)
constexpr QSpeed operator""_mps (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QSpeed operator""_miph (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QSpeed operator""_kmph (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QFrequency operator""_Hz (long double x)
constexpr QFrequency operator""_Hz (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QTime operator""_s (long double x)
constexpr QTime operator""_min (long double x)
constexpr QTime operator""_h (long double x)
constexpr QTime operator""_day (long double x)
constexpr QTime operator""_s (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QTime operator""_min (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QTime operator""_h (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QTime operator""_day (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QMass operator""_kg (long double x)
constexpr QMass operator""_g (long double x)
constexpr QMass operator""_t (long double x)
constexpr QMass operator""_oz (long double x)
constexpr QMass operator""_lb (long double x)
constexpr QMass operator""_st (long double x)
constexpr QMass operator""_kg (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QMass operator""_g (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QMass operator""_t (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QMass operator""_oz (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QMass operator""_lb (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QMass operator""_st (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QAcceleration operator""_mps2 (long double x)
constexpr QAcceleration operator""_mps2 (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QAcceleration operator""_G (long double x)
constexpr QAcceleration operator""_G (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QForce operator""_N (long double x)
constexpr QForce operator""_N (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QForce operator""_lbf (long double x)
constexpr QForce operator""_lbf (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QForce operator""_kp (long double x)
constexpr QForce operator""_kp (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QPressure operator""_Pa (long double x)
constexpr QPressure operator""_Pa (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QPressure operator""_bar (long double x)
constexpr QPressure operator""_bar (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr QPressure operator""_psi (long double x)
constexpr QPressure operator""_psi (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr long double operator""_pi (long double x)
constexpr long double operator""_pi (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr Angle radian (1.0)
constexpr Angle operator""_rad (long double x)
constexpr Angle operator""_rad (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr Angle operator""_deg (long double x)
constexpr Angle operator""_deg (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr Angle operator""_arcmin (long double x)
constexpr Angle operator""_arcmin (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr Angle operator""_arcsecond (long double x)
constexpr Angle operator""_arcsecond (unsigned long long int x)
constexpr AngleArea operator""_steradian (long double x)
constexpr AngleArea operator""_steradian (unsigned long long int x)
template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
constexpr RQuantity< std::ratio_divide< M, std::ratio< 2 > >, std::ratio_divide< l, std::ratio< 2 > >, std::ratio_divide< T, std::ratio< 2 > >, std::ratio_divide< A, std::ratio< 2 > >, std::ratio_divide< C, std::ratio< 2 > >, std::ratio_divide< L, std::ratio< 2 > >, std::ratio_divide< S, std::ratio< 2 > >, std::ratio_divide< D, std::ratio< 2 > > > Qsqrt (const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &num)
template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
constexpr RQuantity< std::ratio_multiply< M, std::ratio< 2 > >, std::ratio_multiply< l, std::ratio< 2 > >, std::ratio_multiply< T, std::ratio< 2 > >, std::ratio_multiply< A, std::ratio< 2 > >, std::ratio_multiply< C, std::ratio< 2 > >, std::ratio_multiply< L, std::ratio< 2 > >, std::ratio_multiply< S, std::ratio< 2 > >, std::ratio_multiply< D, std::ratio< 2 > > > Qsquare (const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &num)
double sin (const Angle &num)
double cos (const Angle &num)
double tan (const Angle &num)
template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &rhs)
 Nice representation. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, QLength rhs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, QMass rhs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, QLuminosity rhs)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, QFlux rhs)
QLength units::parse_length (const std::string &str)
 find length units from a string More...
QSpectralFluxDensity units::parse_spectralflux (const std::string &str)
 find length units from a string More...


constexpr QMass gram = 0.001 * kg
constexpr QMass tonne = 1000 * kg
constexpr QMass ounce = 0.028349523125 * kg
constexpr QMass pound = 16 * ounce
constexpr QMass stone = 14 * pound
constexpr QMass carat = 200 * 1e-3 * gram
constexpr QLength meter = metre
constexpr QLength decimetre = metre / 10
constexpr QLength centimetre = metre / 100
constexpr QLength millimetre = metre / 1000
constexpr QLength micrometre = millimetre / 1000
constexpr QLength nanometre = micrometre / 1000
constexpr QLength nanometer = nanometre
constexpr QLength nm = nanometer
constexpr QLength angstrom = micrometre / 10000
constexpr QLength kilometre = 1000 * metre
constexpr QLength inch = 2.54 * centimetre
constexpr QLength foot = 12 * inch
constexpr QLength yard = 3 * foot
constexpr QLength mile = 5280 * foot
constexpr QArea kilometre2 = kilometre*kilometre
constexpr QArea metre2 = metre*metre
constexpr QArea decimetre2 = decimetre*decimetre
constexpr QArea centimetre2 = centimetre*centimetre
constexpr QArea millimetre2 = millimetre * millimetre
constexpr QArea inch2 = inch*inch
constexpr QArea foot2 = foot*foot
constexpr QArea mile2 = mile*mile
constexpr QVolume kilometre3 = kilometre2*kilometre
constexpr QVolume metre3 = metre2*metre
constexpr QVolume decimetre3 = decimetre2*decimetre
constexpr QVolume litre = decimetre3
constexpr QVolume centimetre3 = centimetre2*centimetre
constexpr QVolume millimetre3 = millimetre2 * millimetre
constexpr QVolume inch3 = inch2*inch
constexpr QVolume foot3 = foot2*foot
constexpr QVolume mile3 = mile2*mile
constexpr QTime minute = 60 * second
constexpr QTime hour = 60 * minute
constexpr QTime day = 24 * hour
constexpr QAcceleration G = 9.80665 * metre / (second*second)
constexpr QForce poundforce = pound*G
constexpr QForce kilopond = kg*G
constexpr QPressure bar = 100000 * Pascal
constexpr QPressure psi = pound*G / inch2
constexpr QEnergy joule = newton * metre
constexpr QEnergy electron_volt = 1.60217653e-19 * joule
constexpr QEnergy eV = electron_volt
constexpr QEnergy thermochemical_calorie = 4.184 * joule
constexpr QEnergy cal = thermochemical_calorie
constexpr QFlux watt = joule / second
constexpr QTemperature kelvin = 1. * degK
constexpr QTime julian_year = 365.25 * day
constexpr QLength parsec = 30856775814914 * kilometre
constexpr QLength astronomical_unit = 149597870691 * meter
constexpr QLength au = astronomical_unit
constexpr QSpeed speed_of_light = 299792458 * meter / second
constexpr QSpeed c = speed_of_light
constexpr QLength light_year = speed_of_light * julian_year
constexpr QLength ly = light_year
constexpr QMass msun = 1.98892e30 * kg
constexpr QMass Msun = msun
constexpr QLength rsun = 6.955e8 * meter
constexpr QLength Rsun = rsun
constexpr QEnergy erg = 1e-7 * joule
constexpr QFlux lsun = 3.839e26 * watt
constexpr QSpectralFluxDensity flam = erg / second / centimetre2 / angstrom
constexpr QSpectralFluxDensity jansky = 1e-23 * erg / second/ centimetre2 / angstrom
constexpr QSpectralFluxDensity Jy = jansky
constexpr Angle degree = static_cast<double>(2_pi / 360.0) * radian
constexpr Angle arcminute = static_cast<double>(1./60.) * degree
constexpr Angle arcsecond = static_cast<double>(1./60.) * arcminute
constexpr AngleArea steradian = radian * radian
const std::map< std::string, QLength > units::length_mapper
 str aliases to length units More...
const std::map< std::string, QSpectralFluxDensity > units::spectralflux_mapper
 str aliases to spectral flux density units More...

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ ConvertTo

#define ConvertTo (   _x,
)    (_x).Convert(1.0_##_y)

Definition at line 487 of file rquantities.hpp.


#define QUANTITY_TYPE (   _Mdim,
)    typedef RQuantity<std::ratio<_Mdim>, std::ratio<_Ldim>, std::ratio<_Tdim>, std::ratio<_Adim>, std::ratio<_CDim>, std::ratio<_LumDim>, std::ratio<_SubDim>, std::ratio<TempDim>> name;

Definition at line 106 of file rquantities.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ ampere()

constexpr QCurrent ampere ( 1.  0)

◆ candela()

constexpr QLuminosity candela ( 1.  0)

◆ cos()

double cos ( const Angle &  num)

Definition at line 541 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ degK()

constexpr QTemperature degK ( 1.  0)

◆ Hz()

constexpr QFrequency Hz ( 1.  0)

◆ kg()

constexpr QMass kg ( 1.  0)

◆ metre()

constexpr QLength metre ( 1.  0)

◆ mole()

constexpr QSubstance mole ( 1.  0)

◆ newton()

constexpr QForce newton ( 1.  0)

◆ operator!=()

template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
constexpr bool operator!= ( const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &  lhs,
const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &  rhs 

Definition at line 226 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_AA()

constexpr QLength operator""_AA ( long double  x)

Definition at line 375 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_arcmin() [1/2]

constexpr Angle operator""_arcmin ( long double  x)

Definition at line 478 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_arcmin() [2/2]

constexpr Angle operator""_arcmin ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 479 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_arcsecond() [1/2]

constexpr Angle operator""_arcsecond ( long double  x)

Definition at line 480 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_arcsecond() [2/2]

constexpr Angle operator""_arcsecond ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 481 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_bar() [1/2]

constexpr QPressure operator""_bar ( long double  x)

Definition at line 453 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_bar() [2/2]

constexpr QPressure operator""_bar ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 454 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_cm() [1/2]

constexpr QLength operator""_cm ( long double  x)

Definition at line 378 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_cm() [2/2]

constexpr QLength operator""_cm ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 386 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_day() [1/2]

constexpr QTime operator""_day ( long double  x)

Definition at line 414 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_day() [2/2]

constexpr QTime operator""_day ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 418 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_deg() [1/2]

constexpr Angle operator""_deg ( long double  x)

Definition at line 476 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_deg() [2/2]

constexpr Angle operator""_deg ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 477 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_ft() [1/2]

constexpr QLength operator""_ft ( long double  x)

Definition at line 383 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_ft() [2/2]

constexpr QLength operator""_ft ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 391 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_g() [1/2]

constexpr QMass operator""_g ( long double  x)

Definition at line 422 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_G() [1/2]

constexpr QAcceleration operator""_G ( long double  x)

Definition at line 438 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_g() [2/2]

constexpr QMass operator""_g ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 428 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_G() [2/2]

constexpr QAcceleration operator""_G ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 439 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_h() [1/2]

constexpr QTime operator""_h ( long double  x)

Definition at line 413 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_h() [2/2]

constexpr QTime operator""_h ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 417 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_Hz() [1/2]

constexpr QFrequency operator""_Hz ( long double  x)

Definition at line 406 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_Hz() [2/2]

constexpr QFrequency operator""_Hz ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 407 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_in() [1/2]

constexpr QLength operator""_in ( long double  x)

Definition at line 384 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_in() [2/2]

constexpr QLength operator""_in ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 392 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_kg() [1/2]

constexpr QMass operator""_kg ( long double  x)

Definition at line 421 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_kg() [2/2]

constexpr QMass operator""_kg ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 427 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_km() [1/2]

constexpr QLength operator""_km ( long double  x)

Definition at line 380 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_km() [2/2]

constexpr QLength operator""_km ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 388 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_kmph() [1/2]

constexpr QSpeed operator""_kmph ( long double  x)

Definition at line 397 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_kmph() [2/2]

constexpr QSpeed operator""_kmph ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 402 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_kp() [1/2]

constexpr QForce operator""_kp ( long double  x)

Definition at line 446 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_kp() [2/2]

constexpr QForce operator""_kp ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 447 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_lb() [1/2]

constexpr QMass operator""_lb ( long double  x)

Definition at line 425 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_lb() [2/2]

constexpr QMass operator""_lb ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 431 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_lbf() [1/2]

constexpr QForce operator""_lbf ( long double  x)

Definition at line 444 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_lbf() [2/2]

constexpr QForce operator""_lbf ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 445 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_m() [1/2]

constexpr QLength operator""_m ( long double  x)

Definition at line 379 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_m() [2/2]

constexpr QLength operator""_m ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 387 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_mi() [1/2]

constexpr QLength operator""_mi ( long double  x)

Definition at line 381 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_mi() [2/2]

constexpr QLength operator""_mi ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 389 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_min() [1/2]

constexpr QTime operator""_min ( long double  x)

Definition at line 412 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_min() [2/2]

constexpr QTime operator""_min ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 416 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_miph() [1/2]

constexpr QSpeed operator""_miph ( long double  x)

Definition at line 396 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_miph() [2/2]

constexpr QSpeed operator""_miph ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 400 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_mm() [1/2]

constexpr QLength operator""_mm ( long double  x)

Definition at line 377 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_mm() [2/2]

constexpr QLength operator""_mm ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 385 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_mps() [1/2]

constexpr QSpeed operator""_mps ( long double  x)

Definition at line 395 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_mps() [2/2]

constexpr QSpeed operator""_mps ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 398 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_mps2() [1/2]

constexpr QAcceleration operator""_mps2 ( long double  x)

Definition at line 435 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_mps2() [2/2]

constexpr QAcceleration operator""_mps2 ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 436 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_N() [1/2]

constexpr QForce operator""_N ( long double  x)

Definition at line 442 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_N() [2/2]

constexpr QForce operator""_N ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 443 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_nm()

constexpr QLength operator""_nm ( long double  x)

Definition at line 376 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_oz() [1/2]

constexpr QMass operator""_oz ( long double  x)

Definition at line 424 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_oz() [2/2]

constexpr QMass operator""_oz ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 430 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_Pa() [1/2]

constexpr QPressure operator""_Pa ( long double  x)

Definition at line 450 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_Pa() [2/2]

constexpr QPressure operator""_Pa ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 451 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_pc() [1/2]

constexpr QLength operator""_pc ( long double  x)

Definition at line 368 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_pc() [2/2]

constexpr QLength operator""_pc ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 369 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_pi() [1/2]

constexpr long double operator""_pi ( long double  x)

Definition at line 461 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_pi() [2/2]

constexpr long double operator""_pi ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 463 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_psi() [1/2]

constexpr QPressure operator""_psi ( long double  x)

Definition at line 455 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_psi() [2/2]

constexpr QPressure operator""_psi ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 456 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_rad() [1/2]

constexpr Angle operator""_rad ( long double  x)

Definition at line 474 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_rad() [2/2]

constexpr Angle operator""_rad ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 475 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_s() [1/2]

constexpr QTime operator""_s ( long double  x)

Definition at line 411 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_s() [2/2]

constexpr QTime operator""_s ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 415 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_st() [1/2]

constexpr QMass operator""_st ( long double  x)

Definition at line 426 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_st() [2/2]

constexpr QMass operator""_st ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 432 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_steradian() [1/2]

constexpr AngleArea operator""_steradian ( long double  x)

Definition at line 482 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_steradian() [2/2]

constexpr AngleArea operator""_steradian ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 483 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_t() [1/2]

constexpr QMass operator""_t ( long double  x)

Definition at line 423 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_t() [2/2]

constexpr QMass operator""_t ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 429 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_yd() [1/2]

constexpr QLength operator""_yd ( long double  x)

Definition at line 382 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator""_yd() [2/2]

constexpr QLength operator""_yd ( unsigned long long int  x)

Definition at line 390 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator*() [1/2]

template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
constexpr RQuantity<M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D> operator* ( const double &  lhs,
const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &  rhs 

Definition at line 171 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator*() [2/2]

template<typename M1 , typename l1 , typename T1 , typename A1 , typename C1 , typename L1 , typename S1 , typename D1 , typename M2 , typename l2 , typename T2 , typename A2 , typename C2 , typename L2 , typename S2 , typename D2 >
constexpr RQuantity<std::ratio_add<M1, M2>, std::ratio_add<l1, l2>, std::ratio_add<T1, T2>, std::ratio_add<A1, A2>, std::ratio_add<C1, C2>, std::ratio_add<L1, L2>, std::ratio_add<S1, S2>, std::ratio_add<D1, D2> > operator* ( const RQuantity< M1, l1, T1, A1, C1, L1, S1, D1 > &  lhs,
const RQuantity< M2, l2, T2, A2, C2, L2, S2, D2 > &  rhs 

Definition at line 160 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator+()

template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
constexpr RQuantity<M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D> operator+ ( const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &  lhs,
const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &  rhs 

Definition at line 143 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator-()

template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
constexpr RQuantity<M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D> operator- ( const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &  lhs,
const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &  rhs 

Definition at line 149 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator/() [1/3]

template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
constexpr RQuantity<M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D> operator/ ( const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &  rhs,
double  x 

Definition at line 212 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator/() [2/3]

template<typename M1 , typename l1 , typename T1 , typename A1 , typename C1 , typename L1 , typename S1 , typename D1 , typename M2 , typename l2 , typename T2 , typename A2 , typename C2 , typename L2 , typename S2 , typename D2 >
constexpr RQuantity<std::ratio_subtract<M1, M2>, std::ratio_subtract<l1, l2>, std::ratio_subtract<T1, T2>, std::ratio_subtract<A1, A2>, std::ratio_subtract<C1, C2>, std::ratio_subtract<L1, L2>, std::ratio_subtract<S1, S2>, std::ratio_subtract<D1, D2> > operator/ ( const RQuantity< M1, l1, T1, A1, C1, L1, S1, D1 > &  lhs,
const RQuantity< M2, l2, T2, A2, C2, L2, S2, D2 > &  rhs 

Definition at line 181 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator/() [3/3]

template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
constexpr RQuantity<std::ratio_subtract<std::ratio<0>, M>, std::ratio_subtract<std::ratio<0>, l>, std::ratio_subtract<std::ratio<0>, T>, std::ratio_subtract<std::ratio<0>, A>, std::ratio_subtract<std::ratio<0>, C>, std::ratio_subtract<std::ratio<0>, L>, std::ratio_subtract<std::ratio<0>, S>, std::ratio_subtract<std::ratio<0>, D> > operator/ ( double  x,
const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &  rhs 

Definition at line 198 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator<()

template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
constexpr bool operator< ( const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &  lhs,
const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &  rhs 

Definition at line 241 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [1/5]

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
QFlux  rhs 

Definition at line 572 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [2/5]

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
QLength  rhs 

Definition at line 559 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [3/5]

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
QLuminosity  rhs 

Definition at line 568 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [4/5]

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
QMass  rhs 

Definition at line 564 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator<<() [5/5]

template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &  rhs 

Nice representation.

Definition at line 554 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator<=()

template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
constexpr bool operator<= ( const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &  lhs,
const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &  rhs 

Definition at line 231 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator==()

template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
constexpr bool operator== ( const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &  lhs,
const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &  rhs 

Definition at line 221 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator>()

template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
constexpr bool operator> ( const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &  lhs,
const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &  rhs 

Definition at line 246 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ operator>=()

template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
constexpr bool operator>= ( const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &  lhs,
const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &  rhs 

Definition at line 236 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ Pascal()

constexpr QPressure Pascal ( 1.  0)

◆ Qsqrt()

template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
constexpr RQuantity<std::ratio_divide<M, std::ratio<2> >, std::ratio_divide<l, std::ratio<2> >, std::ratio_divide<T, std::ratio<2> >, std::ratio_divide<A, std::ratio<2> >, std::ratio_divide<C, std::ratio<2> >, std::ratio_divide<L, std::ratio<2> >, std::ratio_divide<S, std::ratio<2> >, std::ratio_divide<D, std::ratio<2> > > Qsqrt ( const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &  num)

Definition at line 502 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ Qsquare()

template<typename M , typename l , typename T , typename A , typename C , typename L , typename S , typename D >
constexpr RQuantity<std::ratio_multiply<M, std::ratio<2> >, std::ratio_multiply<l, std::ratio<2> >, std::ratio_multiply<T, std::ratio<2> >, std::ratio_multiply<A, std::ratio<2> >, std::ratio_multiply<C, std::ratio<2> >, std::ratio_multiply<L, std::ratio<2> >, std::ratio_multiply<S, std::ratio<2> >, std::ratio_multiply<D, std::ratio<2> > > Qsquare ( const RQuantity< M, l, T, A, C, L, S, D > &  num)

Definition at line 523 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ QUANTITY_TYPE() [1/21]


◆ QUANTITY_TYPE() [2/21]


◆ QUANTITY_TYPE() [3/21]


◆ QUANTITY_TYPE() [4/21]


◆ QUANTITY_TYPE() [5/21]


◆ QUANTITY_TYPE() [6/21]


◆ QUANTITY_TYPE() [7/21]


◆ QUANTITY_TYPE() [8/21]


◆ QUANTITY_TYPE() [9/21]


◆ QUANTITY_TYPE() [10/21]


◆ QUANTITY_TYPE() [11/21]


◆ QUANTITY_TYPE() [12/21]


◆ QUANTITY_TYPE() [13/21]


◆ QUANTITY_TYPE() [14/21]


◆ QUANTITY_TYPE() [15/21]


◆ QUANTITY_TYPE() [16/21]


◆ QUANTITY_TYPE() [17/21]


◆ QUANTITY_TYPE() [18/21]


◆ QUANTITY_TYPE() [19/21]


◆ QUANTITY_TYPE() [20/21]


◆ QUANTITY_TYPE() [21/21]


◆ radian()

constexpr Angle radian ( 1.  0)

◆ second()

constexpr QTime second ( 1.  0)

◆ sin()

double sin ( const Angle &  num)

Definition at line 537 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ tan()

double tan ( const Angle &  num)

Definition at line 545 of file rquantities.hpp.

Variable Documentation

◆ angstrom

constexpr QLength angstrom = micrometre / 10000

Definition at line 274 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ arcminute

constexpr Angle arcminute = static_cast<double>(1./60.) * degree

Definition at line 469 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ arcsecond

constexpr Angle arcsecond = static_cast<double>(1./60.) * arcminute

Definition at line 470 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ astronomical_unit

constexpr QLength astronomical_unit = 149597870691 * meter

Definition at line 348 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ au

constexpr QLength au = astronomical_unit

Definition at line 349 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ bar

constexpr QPressure bar = 100000 * Pascal

Definition at line 316 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ c

constexpr QSpeed c = speed_of_light

Definition at line 351 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ cal

constexpr QEnergy cal = thermochemical_calorie

Definition at line 330 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ carat

constexpr QMass carat = 200 * 1e-3 * gram

Definition at line 262 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ centimetre

constexpr QLength centimetre = metre / 100

Definition at line 268 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ centimetre2

constexpr QArea centimetre2 = centimetre*centimetre

Definition at line 284 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ centimetre3

constexpr QVolume centimetre3 = centimetre2*centimetre

Definition at line 294 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ day

constexpr QTime day = 24 * hour

Definition at line 304 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ decimetre

constexpr QLength decimetre = metre / 10

Definition at line 267 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ decimetre2

constexpr QArea decimetre2 = decimetre*decimetre

Definition at line 283 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ decimetre3

constexpr QVolume decimetre3 = decimetre2*decimetre

Definition at line 292 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ degree

constexpr Angle degree = static_cast<double>(2_pi / 360.0) * radian

Definition at line 468 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ electron_volt

constexpr QEnergy electron_volt = 1.60217653e-19 * joule

Definition at line 327 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ erg

constexpr QEnergy erg = 1e-7 * joule

Definition at line 358 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ eV

constexpr QEnergy eV = electron_volt

Definition at line 328 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ flam

constexpr QSpectralFluxDensity flam = erg / second / centimetre2 / angstrom

Definition at line 361 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ foot

constexpr QLength foot = 12 * inch

Definition at line 277 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ foot2

constexpr QArea foot2 = foot*foot

Definition at line 287 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ foot3

constexpr QVolume foot3 = foot2*foot

Definition at line 297 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ G

constexpr QAcceleration G = 9.80665 * metre / (second*second)

Definition at line 309 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ gram

constexpr QMass gram = 0.001 * kg

Definition at line 257 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ hour

constexpr QTime hour = 60 * minute

Definition at line 303 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ inch

constexpr QLength inch = 2.54 * centimetre

Definition at line 276 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ inch2

constexpr QArea inch2 = inch*inch

Definition at line 286 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ inch3

constexpr QVolume inch3 = inch2*inch

Definition at line 296 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ jansky

constexpr QSpectralFluxDensity jansky = 1e-23 * erg / second/ centimetre2 / angstrom

Definition at line 363 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ joule

constexpr QEnergy joule = newton * metre

Definition at line 326 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ julian_year

constexpr QTime julian_year = 365.25 * day

Definition at line 346 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ Jy

constexpr QSpectralFluxDensity Jy = jansky

Definition at line 364 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ kelvin

constexpr QTemperature kelvin = 1. * degK

Definition at line 342 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ kilometre

constexpr QLength kilometre = 1000 * metre

Definition at line 275 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ kilometre2

constexpr QArea kilometre2 = kilometre*kilometre

Definition at line 281 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ kilometre3

constexpr QVolume kilometre3 = kilometre2*kilometre

Definition at line 290 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ kilopond

constexpr QForce kilopond = kg*G

Definition at line 313 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ light_year

constexpr QLength light_year = speed_of_light * julian_year

Definition at line 352 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ litre

constexpr QVolume litre = decimetre3

Definition at line 293 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ lsun

constexpr QFlux lsun = 3.839e26 * watt

Definition at line 359 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ ly

constexpr QLength ly = light_year

Definition at line 353 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ meter

constexpr QLength meter = metre

Definition at line 266 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ metre2

constexpr QArea metre2 = metre*metre

Definition at line 282 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ metre3

constexpr QVolume metre3 = metre2*metre

Definition at line 291 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ micrometre

constexpr QLength micrometre = millimetre / 1000

Definition at line 270 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ mile

constexpr QLength mile = 5280 * foot

Definition at line 279 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ mile2

constexpr QArea mile2 = mile*mile

Definition at line 288 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ mile3

constexpr QVolume mile3 = mile2*mile

Definition at line 298 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ millimetre

constexpr QLength millimetre = metre / 1000

Definition at line 269 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ millimetre2

constexpr QArea millimetre2 = millimetre * millimetre

Definition at line 285 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ millimetre3

constexpr QVolume millimetre3 = millimetre2 * millimetre

Definition at line 295 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ minute

constexpr QTime minute = 60 * second

Definition at line 302 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ msun

constexpr QMass msun = 1.98892e30 * kg

Definition at line 354 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ Msun

constexpr QMass Msun = msun

Definition at line 355 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ nanometer

constexpr QLength nanometer = nanometre

Definition at line 272 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ nanometre

constexpr QLength nanometre = micrometre / 1000

Definition at line 271 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ nm

constexpr QLength nm = nanometer

Definition at line 273 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ ounce

constexpr QMass ounce = 0.028349523125 * kg

Definition at line 259 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ parsec

constexpr QLength parsec = 30856775814914 * kilometre

Definition at line 347 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ pound

constexpr QMass pound = 16 * ounce

Definition at line 260 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ poundforce

constexpr QForce poundforce = pound*G

Definition at line 312 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ psi

constexpr QPressure psi = pound*G / inch2

Definition at line 317 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ rsun

constexpr QLength rsun = 6.955e8 * meter

Definition at line 356 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ Rsun

constexpr QLength Rsun = rsun

Definition at line 357 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ speed_of_light

constexpr QSpeed speed_of_light = 299792458 * meter / second

Definition at line 350 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ steradian

constexpr AngleArea steradian = radian * radian

Definition at line 471 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ stone

constexpr QMass stone = 14 * pound

Definition at line 261 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ thermochemical_calorie

constexpr QEnergy thermochemical_calorie = 4.184 * joule

Definition at line 329 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ tonne

constexpr QMass tonne = 1000 * kg

Definition at line 258 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ watt

constexpr QFlux watt = joule / second

Definition at line 332 of file rquantities.hpp.

◆ yard

constexpr QLength yard = 3 * foot

Definition at line 278 of file rquantities.hpp.