cphot 0.1
A C++ tool for computing photometry from spectra.
blackbody.hpp File Reference

Blackbody radiation model. More...

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QSpectralFluxDensity bb_flux_function (QLength lam, Number amp, QTemperature teff)
 Blackbody as a flux distribution as function of wavelength, temperature and amplitude. More...
double bb_flux_function (double lam_nm, double amp, double teff_K)
 default units blackbody as a flux distribution as function of wavelength, temperature and amplitude. More...

Detailed Description

Blackbody radiation model.



  • Rybicki, G. B.; Lightman, A. P. (1979). Radiative Processes in Astrophysics. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 0-471-82759-2.

Planck's law of black-body radiation states that

\begin{eqnarray*} f_{\lambda }(T) &=& a\,\cdot\,{\frac {2h\nu ^{3}}{c^{2}}}{\frac {1}{e^{h\nu /kT}-1}}\\ &=& a\,\cdot\,\frac{2hc^2}{\lambda^5}{\frac {1}{e^{hc /\lambda kT}-1}}, \end{eqnarray*}


  • \(f_\lambda(T)\) is the spectral flux density at thermal equilibrium of temperature \(T\).
  • \(h\) is the Planck constant ( \(6.6260693\cdot10^{-34}\) J/s);
  • \(c\) is the speed of light in a vacuum ( \(299792458\cdot 10^6\mu m/s\));
  • \(k\) is the Boltzmann constant ( \(1.3806505\cdot 10^{-23}\) J/K);
  • \(\nu\) is the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation;
  • \(\lambda\) is the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation;
  • \(T\) is the absolute temperature of the body;
  • and \(a\) is a dimensionless normalization factor.

Note that $a$ can alternatively links to the angular size $\theta$

\[ \theta = \sqrt{\frac{a}{\pi}} = \frac{R}{d} \]

where \(R\) is the radius, and \(d\) is the distance to the star.

Definition in file blackbody.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ bb_flux_function() [1/2]

double bb_flux_function ( double  lam_nm,
double  amp,
double  teff_K 

default units blackbody as a flux distribution as function of wavelength, temperature and amplitude.

lamwavelength in nm
ampdimensionless normalization factor
tefftemperature in Kelvins
evaluation of the blackbody radiation in flam units (erg/s/cm2/AA)

Definition at line 80 of file blackbody.hpp.

◆ bb_flux_function() [2/2]

QSpectralFluxDensity bb_flux_function ( QLength  lam,
Number  amp,
QTemperature  teff 

Blackbody as a flux distribution as function of wavelength, temperature and amplitude.

This function deals with unit conversions

ampdimensionless normalization factor
evaluation of the blackbody radiation in flam units (erg/s/cm2/AA)

Note that amp is alternatively represented as the angular size θ = R/d = sqrt(amp/pi)

Definition at line 52 of file blackbody.hpp.