cphot 0.1
A C++ tool for computing photometry from spectra.
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  * @file blackbody.hpp
3  *
4  * @brief Blackbody radiation model
5  * @version 0.1
6  * @date 2021-12-01
7  *
8  * References:
9  *
10  * - Rybicki, G. B.; Lightman, A. P. (1979).
11  * _Radiative Processes in Astrophysics._ John Wiley & Sons.
12  * ISBN 0-471-82759-2.
13  *
14  * Planck's law of black-body radiation states that
15  * \f{eqnarray*}{
16  * f_{\lambda }(T) &=& a\,\cdot\,{\frac {2h\nu ^{3}}{c^{2}}}{\frac {1}{e^{h\nu /kT}-1}}\\
17  * &=& a\,\cdot\,\frac{2hc^2}{\lambda^5}{\frac {1}{e^{hc /\lambda kT}-1}},
18  * \f}
19  * where
20  * - \f$f_\lambda(T)\f$ is the spectral flux density at thermal equilibrium of temperature \f$T\f$.
21  * - \f$h\f$ is the Planck constant (\f$6.6260693\cdot10^{-34}\f$ J/s);
22  * - \f$c\f$ is the speed of light in a vacuum (\f$299792458\cdot 10^6\mu m/s\f$);
23  * - \f$k\f$ is the Boltzmann constant (\f$1.3806505\cdot 10^{-23}\f$ J/K);
24  * - \f$\nu\f$ is the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation;
25  * - \f$\lambda\f$ is the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation;
26  * - \f$T\f$ is the absolute temperature of the body;
27  * - and \f$a\f$ is a dimensionless normalization factor.
28  *
29  * Note that $a$ can alternatively links to the angular size $\theta$
30  * \f[
31  * \theta = \sqrt{\frac{a}{\pi}} = \frac{R}{d}
32  * \f]
33  * where \f$R\f$ is the radius, and \f$d\f$ is the distance to the star.
34  *
35  */
36 #pragma once
37 #include "cphot/rquantities.hpp"
39 /**
40  * Blackbody as a flux distribution as function
41  * of wavelength, temperature and amplitude.
42  *
43  * This function deals with unit conversions
44  *
45  * @param lam: wavelength
46  * @param amp: dimensionless normalization factor
47  * @param teff: temperature
48  * @return evaluation of the blackbody radiation in flam units (erg/s/cm2/AA)
49  *
50  * Note that amp is alternatively represented as the angular size θ = R/d = sqrt(amp/pi)
51  */
52 QSpectralFluxDensity bb_flux_function(QLength lam,
53  Number amp,
54  QTemperature teff){
55  // Natural constants.
56  double kB = (1.380649e-23 * joule / kelvin).getValue();
57  double c = speed_of_light.Convert(meter / second);
58  double h = (6.62607015e-34 * metre2 * kg / second).getValue();
59  double lam_nm = lam.Convert(nanometre);
60  double teff_K = teff.Convert(kelvin);
61  double amp_ = amp.getValue();
63  double v = (amp_ * 2 * h * std::pow(c, 2) / (std::pow(lam_nm, 5) *
64  (std::exp(h * c / (lam_nm * 1e-9 * kB * teff_K)) - 1)));
66  return v * 1e+38 * flam;
67 }
70 /**
71  * default units blackbody as a flux distribution as function of wavelength,
72  * temperature and amplitude.
73  *
74  * @param lam: wavelength in nm
75  * @param amp: dimensionless normalization factor
76  * @param teff: temperature in Kelvins
77  * @return evaluation of the blackbody radiation in flam units (erg/s/cm2/AA)
78  *
79  */
80 double bb_flux_function(double lam_nm, double amp, double teff_K){
81  // Natural constants.
82  double kB = 1.380649e-23; // Unit("J/K")
83  double c = 299792458.0; // Unit("m/s")
84  double h = 6.62607015e-34; // Unit('m**2 * kg / s')
85  double v = (amp * 2 * h * std::pow(c, 2) / (std::pow(lam_nm, 5) *
86  (std::exp(h * c / (lam_nm * 1e-9 * kB * teff_K)) - 1)));
87  std::cout << lam_nm << " " << amp << " " << teff_K << "\n";
88  return v * 1e+38; // flam = erg/s/cm2/AA
89 }
QSpectralFluxDensity bb_flux_function(QLength lam, Number amp, QTemperature teff)
Blackbody as a flux distribution as function of wavelength, temperature and amplitude.
Definition: blackbody.hpp:52
constexpr QLength nanometre
Definition: rquantities.hpp:271
constexpr QEnergy joule
Definition: rquantities.hpp:326
constexpr QSpeed c
Definition: rquantities.hpp:351
constexpr QTemperature kelvin
Definition: rquantities.hpp:342
constexpr QSpeed speed_of_light
Definition: rquantities.hpp:350
constexpr QArea metre2
Definition: rquantities.hpp:282
constexpr QLength meter
Definition: rquantities.hpp:266
constexpr QSpectralFluxDensity flam
Definition: rquantities.hpp:361
constexpr QMass kg(1.0)
constexpr QTime second(1.0)