Extinction approximation models
Extinction approximation models#
Extinction coefficients per passbands depend on both the source spectral energy distribution and on the extinction itself (e.g., Gordon et al., 2016, Jordi et al., 2010). To first order, the shape of the SED through a given passband determine the mean photon wavelength and therefore the mean extinction through that passband. Of course in practice this also depends on the source spectral features in the passband and the dust properties.
Please have a look to the following pages for the ingredients we used in our precomputed models
Atmosphere models - The source stellar atmosphere models
Photometric computations - The photometric computations
Extinction curves - The extinction curves
Precomputed models#
We provide some already precomputed model approximations for the extinction in various passbands.
provides convenient search and load functions.
- use
to find available models and associated passbands The search can be on passband, extinction, atmosphere, and model kind. It is caseless and does not need to contain the complete name.
- use
from dustapprox.models import PrecomputedModel
lib = PrecomputedModel()
lib.find(passband='Gaia') # returns all models with Gaia passband
lib.find(passband='galex', atmosphere='Atlas') # returns nothing (we did not provide Atlas9 atmosphere)
lib.find(passband='galex', atmosphere='kurucz') # return only kurucz based models
{'/polynomial/f99/kurucz/kurucz_f99_a0_teff.ecsv': {'atmosphere': {'source': 'Kurucz (ODFNEW/NOVER 2003)',
'teff': [3500.0, 50000.0],
'logg': [0.0, 5.0],
'feh': [-4, 0.5],
'alpha': [0, 0.4]},
'extinction': {'source': 'Fitzpatrick (1999)', 'R0': 3.1, 'A0': [0, 10]},
'comment': ['teffnorm = teff / 5040', 'predicts kx = Ax / A0'],
'model': {'kind': 'polynomial',
'degree': 3,
'interaction_only': False,
'include_bias': True,
'feature_names': ['A0', 'teffnorm']},
'passbands': ['GALEX_GALEX.FUV', 'GALEX_GALEX.NUV'],
'filename': 'dustapprox/data/precomputed/polynomial/f99/kurucz/kurucz_f99_a0_teff.ecsv'}}
to load any model (for a given passband)
from dustapprox.models import PrecomputedModel
lib = PrecomputedModel()
r = lib.find(passband='Gaia')
models = []
for source in r.values():
models.extend([lib.load_model(r, passband=pbname) for pbname in source['passbands']])
We currently provide only a limited set of models and approximation methods. We plan to expand in the future releases.
Please contact us if you would like a particular passband (or set of passbands) to be included by default.
See also
list of provided models: List of provided precomputed models
Generating models#
Generating a photometric extinction model or approximation requires first that
we have some atmosphere spectral model. We provide some tools associated with the
SVO Theoretical
in Atmosphere models (dustapprox.io.svo
) but you can also use your own atmosphere models.
Second, we need an extinction presscription. We provide some mean extinction
curves in Extinction curves (dustapprox.extinction
Finally, we need passband definitions and functions to do the photometric
calculations. For the photometry, we use the external package pyphot a suite to compute synthetic
photometry in flexible ways. In addition,
interfaces the SVO Filter Profile
Service, which provides us
with a large collection of passbands. (wrapper from pyphot).
Once we have the above ingredients, we can bring them together to generate a large collection of photometric extinction values in various bands.
Creating a photometric grid of dust attenuated stars#
To compute an extinction approximation model, we need to first compute the exact effects of extinction on well known stars when assuming a given extinction curve.
We detail below the steps to do this.
We first need to get the set of transmission curves that we find relevant for the Photometric computations.
from dustapprox.io import svo
which_filters = ['GAIA/GAIA3.G', 'GAIA/GAIA3.Gbp', 'GAIA/GAIA3.Grp']
passbands = svo.get_svo_passbands(which_filters)
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from pyphot.astropy import UnitAscii_Library
where = resource_filename('dustapprox', 'data/Gaia2')
lib = UnitAscii_Library([where])
passbands = lib.load_all_filters()
We set which atmosphere library files we use (note that we do not provide these internally; Atmosphere models).
from glob import glob
models = glob('models/Kurucz2003all/*.fl.dat.txt')
apfields = ['teff', 'logg', 'feh', 'alpha']
We then need to get the set of extinction curves that we find relevant.
import numpy as np
from dustapprox.extinction import F99
# Extinction
extc = F99()
Rv = np.array([3.1,])
Av = np.arange(0, 10.01, 0.2)
Finally we loop through the elements and store relevant information (e.g., apfields, Rv, Av, mag0, mag).
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
from dustapprox.io import svo
logs = []
for fname in tqdm(models):
data = svo.spectra_file_reader(fname)
# extract model relevant information
lamb_unit, flux_unit = svo.get_svo_sprectum_units(data)
lamb = data['data']['WAVELENGTH'].values * lamb_unit
flux = data['data']['FLUX'].values * flux_unit
apvalues = [data[k]['value'] for k in apfields]
# wavelength definition varies between models
alambda_per_av = extc(lamb, 1.0, Rv=Rv)
# Dust magnitudes
columns = apfields + ['passband', 'mag0', 'mag', 'A0', 'Ax']
for pk in passbands:
mag0 = -2.5 * np.log10(pk.get_flux(lamb, flux).value)
# we redo av = 0, but it's cheap, allows us to use the same code
for av_val in Av:
new_flux = flux * np.exp(- alambda_per_av * av_val)
mag = -2.5 * np.log10(pk.get_flux(lamb, new_flux).value)
delta = (mag - mag0)
logs.append(apvalues + [pk.name, mag0, mag, av_val, delta])
logs = pd.DataFrame.from_records(logs, columns=columns)
The above script works, but it could be very time consuming if you have many passbands and many extinction parameters to grid. However, every piece of information are independent of one another: atmosphere spectra, passbands, extinction grid points. Hence this is a massively parallel problem.
As the first rule of optimization is to start by the most outer loop, we
provide a script that parallelizes the the procedure with respect to the atmosphere files in
joblib) in particular