Source code for dustapprox.models

"""We provide various modeling schemes for extinction in a given photometric band.

.. todo::

    * add script to generate grid of models
    * add polynomial training.
    * compare literature values to ours.

from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from glob import glob
from typing import Union, Sequence

from import ecsv
from .polynomial import PolynomialModel
from .basemodel import _BaseModel

_DATA_PATH_ = resource_filename('dustapprox', 'data/precomputed')

kinds = {'polynomial':  PolynomialModel,

[docs]class PrecomputedModel: """ Access to precomputed models .. code-block:: python from dustapprox.models import PrecomputedModel lib = PrecomputedModel() # search for GALEX passbands if present r = lib.find(passband='galex') print(r) # load both available models models = [] for source in r.values(): models.extend([lib.load_model(r, passband=pbname) for pbname in source['passbands']]) .. code-block:: text :caption: result from :func:`PrecomputedModel.find` [{'atmosphere': {'source': 'Kurucz (ODFNEW/NOVER 2003)', 'teff': [3500.0, 50000.0], 'logg': [0.0, 5.0], 'feh': [-4, 0.5], 'alpha': [0, 0.4]}, 'extinction': {'source': 'Fitzpatrick (1999)', 'R0': 3.1, 'A0': [0, 10]}, 'comment': ['teffnorm = teff / 5040', 'predicts kx = Ax / A0'], 'model': {'kind': 'polynomial', 'degree': 3, 'interaction_only': False, 'include_bias': True, 'feature_names': ['A0', 'teffnorm']}, 'passbands': ['GALEX_GALEX.FUV', 'GALEX_GALEX.NUV'], 'filename': 'dustapprox/data/precomputed/polynomial/f99/kurucz/kurucz_f99_a0_teff.ecsv'}] .. code-block:: text :caption: result when loading models with from :func:`PrecomputedModel.load_model` [PolynomialModel: GALEX_GALEX.FUV <dustapprox.models.polynomial.PolynomialModel object at 0x12917b6a0> from: A0, teffnorm polynomial degree: 3, PolynomialModel: GALEX_GALEX.NUV <dustapprox.models.polynomial.PolynomialModel object at 0x129170820> from: A0, teffnorm polynomial degree: 3] """ def __init__(self, location=None): """ Constructor """ if location is None: location = _DATA_PATH_ self._info = None self.location = location
[docs] def get_models_info(self, glob_pattern='/**/*.ecsv') -> Sequence[dict]: """ Retrieve the information for all models available and files """ if self._info is not None: return self._info location = self.location lst = glob(f'{location:s}{glob_pattern:s}', recursive=True) info = [] for fname in lst: info.append(self._get_file_info(fname)) self._info = info return info
def _get_file_info(self, fname:str) -> dict: """ Extract information from a file """ info = {} where = fname.replace(_DATA_PATH_, '') df = info = df.attrs.copy() info['passbands'] = list(df['passband'].values) info['filename'] = fname return info
[docs] def find(self, passband=None, extinction=None, atmosphere=None, kind=None) -> Sequence[dict]: """ Find all the computed models that match the given parameters. The search is case insentive and returns all matches. Parameters ---------- passband : str The passband to be used. extinction : str The extinction model to be used. (e.g., 'Fitzpatrick') atmosphere : str The atmosphere model to be used. (e.g., 'kurucz') kind : str The kind of model to be used (e.g., polynomial). Returns ------- """ info = self.get_models_info() results = [] for value in info: if passband is not None and passband.lower() not in ' '.join(value['passbands']).lower(): continue if extinction is not None and extinction.lower() not in value['extinction']['source'].lower(): continue if atmosphere is not None and atmosphere.lower() not in value['atmosphere']['source'].lower(): continue if kind is not None and kind.lower() not in value['model']['kind'].lower(): continue content = value.copy() if passband is not None: content['passbands'] = [pk for pk in content['passbands'] if passband.lower() in pk.lower()] results.append(content) return results
[docs] def load_model(self, fname: Union[str, dict], passband: str = None): """ Load a model from a file or description (:func:`PrecomputedModel.find`) Parameters ---------- fname : str or dict The filename of the model to be loaded or a description of the model returned by :func:`PrecomputedModel.find` passband : str The passband to be loaded. If `None`, loads all available passband models. Returns ------- model : :class:`dustapprox.models.polynomial.PolynomialModel` """ if isinstance(fname, dict): fname_ = fname['filename'] info = fname else: fname_ = fname info = self._get_file_info(fname_) model_kind = info['model']['kind'] if passband is None: return [self.load_model(fname, pbname) for pbname in info['passbands']] try: return kinds[model_kind].from_file(fname_, passband=passband) except KeyError: raise NotImplementedError(f'Model kind {model_kind} not implemented.')