Source code for dustapprox.models.polynomial

r""" Polynomial approximation of extinction effect per passband.

In this library, we provide tools and pre-computed models to obtain the extinction coefficient
:math:`k_x = A_x / A_0` for various passbands.

Extinction coefficients depend primarily on the source spectral energy
distribution and on the extinction itself (e.g., Gordon et al., 2016; Jordi et
al., 2010) but also other parameters such as :math:`\log g`,
:math:`[\alpha/Fe]`, and :math:`[Fe/H]`.

We define the extinction coefficient :math:`k_x` as

.. math::

    k_x = A_x / A_0,

with :math:`A_0` the extinction parameter at :math:`550 nm`, and :math:`x` the passband.

We use a L1-regularized regression model (Lasso-Lars model) using BIC or AIC for
model/complexity selection.

The optimization objective for Lasso is:

.. math::

    \frac{1}{2 n_{samples}} \cdot \|y - X \cdot w\|^2_2 + \alpha \times \|w\|_1

AIC is the `Akaike information
criterion <>`_ and BIC
is the `Bayes Information criterion
AIC or BIC are useful criteria to select the value of the regularization parameter :math:`\alpha` by making a
trade-off between the goodness-of-fit and
the complexity of the model.

This allows is to follow the principle of parsimony (aka Occam's razor): a good
model should explain well the data while being simple.

.. plot::
    :caption: Statistics on polynomial approximation of extinction effect per passband.
              The top panel shows the residual statistics of the model to the grid values, while the bottom
              panel shows the meaningful coefficient amplitudes. (Grey pixels indicate values below :math:`10^{-5}`).

    import pylab as plt
    from dustapprox.models import polynomial
    import pandas as pd

    r = pd.read_csv('models/precomputed/kurucs_gaiaedr3_small_a0_grid.csv')
    # polynomial.quick_plot_models(r, input_parameters='teff A0'.split())
    polynomial.quick_plot_models(r, input_parameters='teff A0 feh logg'.split())

from typing import Sequence, Union
from pandas import DataFrame, Series
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
import numpy as np
import warnings
from import ecsv
from .basemodel import _BaseModel

[docs]def approx_model(r: DataFrame, passband: str = 'GAIA_GAIA3.G', degree: int = 3, interaction_only: bool = False, input_parameters: Sequence[str] = None, verbose=False) -> dict: """ Fit the passband grid data with a polynomial model. Parameters ---------- r : DataFrame DataFrame with the passband grid data. passband : str The passband to fit. degree : int The degree of the polynomial model. interaction_only : bool If True, only the interaction terms are used. input_parameters : Sequence[str] The input parameters to use. If None, 'teff logg feh A0 alpha' parameters are used. verbose : bool If True, print the model parameters and statistics Returns ------- dict Dictionary with the model parameters and statistics. """ from sklearn.linear_model import LassoLarsIC from sklearn.metrics import median_absolute_error, mean_squared_error if input_parameters is None: input_parameters = 'teff logg feh A0 alpha'.split() # input_parameters = 'teff A0'.split() predict_parameter = 'Ax' col_subset = [predict_parameter] + input_parameters subset = r[r.passband == passband][col_subset] subset = subset[subset['A0'] > 0] xdata = subset[input_parameters] # replace teff by teffnorm = teff / 5040K xdata['teffnorm'] = xdata['teff'] / 5040. xdata.drop(columns='teff', inplace=True) ydata = subset[predict_parameter] ydata /= subset['A0'] # the common method poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree=degree, interaction_only=interaction_only, include_bias=True).fit(xdata) expand = poly.transform(xdata) coeff_names = poly.get_feature_names_out() with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=FutureWarning) regr = LassoLarsIC(fit_intercept=False, copy_X=False).fit(expand, ydata) pred = regr.predict(expand) mae = median_absolute_error(ydata, pred) rmse = mean_squared_error(ydata, pred, squared=False) stddev = np.std(pred-ydata) mean = np.mean(pred-ydata) named_coeffs = sorted([(k, v) for k, v in zip(coeff_names, regr.coef_) if abs(v) > 1e-8], key=lambda x: x[1]) if verbose: print('\n'.join(f""" -------------- Band: {passband} Polynomial degree: {} MAE = {mae:.3f}, RMSE = {rmse:.3f}, Mean = {mean:.3f}, Stddev = {stddev:.3f} -------------- """.splitlines())) [print("{0:15s} {1:0.3g}".format(k, v)) for k, v in named_coeffs] return {'features': coeff_names, 'coefficients': regr.coef_, 'mae': mae, 'rmse': rmse, 'mean_residuals': mean, 'std_residuals': stddev}
[docs]def quick_plot_models(r: DataFrame, **kwargs) -> DataFrame: """ Plot diagnostic plots for the models. Parameters ---------- r : DataFrame DataFrame with the passband grid data. Returns ------- DataFrame DataFrame with the all model parameters and statistics. .. seealso:: :func:`approx_model` """ import pylab as plt names = r.passband.unique() data = [] for name in names: res = approx_model(r, name, **kwargs) coeff_names = res['features'] data.append([name] + list(res['coefficients']) + [res['mae'], res['rmse'], res['mean_residuals'], res['std_residuals']]) res = DataFrame(data, columns=['passband'] + list(coeff_names) + ['mae', 'rmse', 'mean', 'stddev']) image = res[res.columns[1:]].to_numpy().T fig = plt.figure() subdata = image[-4:] plt.plot(subdata[0], label='mae') plt.plot(subdata[1], label='rmse') plt.plot(subdata[2], label='mean') plt.plot(subdata[3], label='stddev') plt.legend(loc='best', frameon=False) plt.xticks(np.arange(len(names)), labels=names, rotation=90) plt.xlabel('passband') plt.ylabel('residual statistics') plt.tight_layout() image = < 1e-5, image) subdata = image[:-4] shape = subdata.shape vmin = np.percentile(subdata, 10) vmax = np.percentile(subdata, 90) if (vmin < 0) and (vmax > 0): vmin = -1 * max(abs(vmin), vmax) vmax = - vmin cmap = cmap.set_bad('0.5', 1.) imshow_kwargs = dict(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto') if shape[0] < shape[1]: figsize=(len(names) * 0.8, len(coeff_names) * 0.5) else: figsize=(len(coeff_names) * 0.25, len(names) * 0.8) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(max(figsize[0], 6), max(figsize[1], 4))) if shape[0] < shape[1]: plt.imshow(subdata, **imshow_kwargs) plt.xticks(np.arange(len(names)), labels=names, rotation=90) plt.yticks(np.arange(len(coeff_names)), labels=coeff_names) plt.xlabel('passband') plt.ylabel('features') else: plt.imshow(subdata.T, **imshow_kwargs) plt.yticks(np.arange(len(names)), labels=names) plt.xticks(np.arange(len(coeff_names)), labels=coeff_names, rotation=90) plt.ylabel('passband') plt.xlabel('features') plt.colorbar(extend='both').set_label('coefficient') plt.tight_layout() return res
[docs]class PolynomialModel(_BaseModel): """ A polynomial model object Attributes ---------- meta: dict meta information about the model transformer_: PolynomialFeatures polynomial transformer coeffs_: pd.Series coefficients of the regression on the polynomial expended features """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.transformer_ = None self.coeffs_ = None @property def feature_names(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ Input feature dimensions of the model """ try: return self.meta['model']['feature_names'] except KeyError: return None @property def degree_(self) -> int: """ Degree of the polynomial transformation """ if self.transformer_: return else: return None @property def name(self) -> str: """ Get the model name also stored in the coeffs series """ if self.coeffs_ is not None: if not hasattr(self.coeffs_, 'name'): self.coeffs_ = Series(self.coeffs_, index=self.get_transformed_feature_names()) = None if ( is None) and (self.name_ is not None): = self.name_ if ( is not None) and (self.name_ is None): self.name_ = if self.name_: return self.name_ def _consolidate_named_data(self, X: Union[np.ndarray, DataFrame]) -> DataFrame: """ A convenient consolidation of input data to named data fields As we use the names internally to make the operations more readable, it makes it easier to also convert the data. Parameters ---------- X: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame] input features Returns ------- Xp: pd.DataFrame named data input """ if isinstance(X, DataFrame) or hasattr(X, 'columns'): return X.copy() else: return DataFrame.from_records(np.atleast_2d(X), columns=self.feature_names) def __repr__(self) -> str: txt = """PolynomialModel: {0} \n{1:s}\n""".format(, object.__repr__(self)) txt += """ from: {0:s}""".format(', '.join(self.feature_names)) txt += """ polynomial degree: {0:d}""".format(self.degree_) return txt
[docs] def fit(self, df: DataFrame, features: Sequence[str] = None, label: str = 'Ax', degree: int = 3, interaction_only: bool = False ): """ Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame DataFrame with the passband grid data. features: Sequence[str] input features from df (note: if used, teff will be normalized to teff/5040) label: str which field contains the label values degree : int The degree of the polynomial model. interaction_only : bool If True, only the interaction terms are used. input_parameters : Sequence[str] The input parameters to use. If None, 'teff logg feh A0 alpha' parameters are used. """ from sklearn.linear_model import LassoLarsIC from sklearn.metrics import median_absolute_error, mean_squared_error if features is None: # features = 'teff A0'.split() features = 'teff logg feh A0 alpha'.split() if label is None: label = 'Ax' if 'A0' not in features: raise AttributeError("field `A0` expected in the input data.") col_subset = [label] + features subset = df[col_subset] subset = subset[subset['A0'] > 0] xdata = subset[features] # replace teff by teffnorm = teff / 5040K xdata['teffnorm'] = xdata['teff'] / 5040. xdata.drop(columns='teff', inplace=True) ydata = subset[label] ydata /= subset['A0'] # the common method poly = PolynomialFeatures(degree=degree, interaction_only=interaction_only, include_bias=True).fit(xdata) expand = poly.transform(xdata) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=FutureWarning) regr = LassoLarsIC(fit_intercept=False, copy_X=False).fit(expand, ydata) pred = regr.predict(expand) mae = median_absolute_error(ydata, pred) rmse = mean_squared_error(ydata, pred, squared=False) stddev = np.std(pred - ydata) mean = np.mean(pred - ydata) self.transformer_ = poly self.coeffs_ = Series(regr.coef_, index=self.get_transformed_feature_names()) self.meta.update(df.attrs) self.meta['comment'] = 'teffnorm = teff / 5040; predicts kx = Ax / A0' self.meta['model'] = {'kind': 'polynomial', 'degree': degree, 'interaction_only': interaction_only, 'include_bias': True, 'feature_names': list(xdata.columns)} self.meta['mae'] = mae self.meta['rmse'] = rmse self.meta['std_residuals'] = stddev self.meta['mean_residuals'] = mean return self
[docs] def predict(self, X: Union[np.ndarray, DataFrame]) -> np.array: """ Predict the extinction in the specific passband .. note:: if X is a :class:`Dataframe`, `teffnorm` could be automatically added Parameters ---------- X: Union[np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame] input features Return ------ y: np.ndarray predicted values """ transformer = self.transformer_ X_ = self._consolidate_named_data(X) if ('teffnorm' in self.feature_names): if 'teffnorm' not in X_.columns: X_['teffnorm'] = X_['teff'] / 5040. X_ = X_[self.feature_names] coeffs = self.coeffs_[self.get_transformed_feature_names()] expand = transformer.transform(X_) return np.inner(coeffs, expand)
[docs] def get_transformed_feature_names(self) -> Sequence[str]: """ get the feature names of the internal transformation """ return self.transformer_.get_feature_names_out()
def _set_transformer(self, degree: int = 2, interaction_only: bool = False, include_bias: bool = True, order: str = 'C', **params): """ Setup the PolynomialFeature transformer Generate a new feature matrix consisting of all polynomial combinations of the features with degree less than or equal to the specified degree. For example, if an input sample is two dimensional and of the form [a, b], the degree-2 polynomial features are [1, a, b, a^2, ab, b^2]. .. seealso:: :class:`PolynomialFeature` from sklearn Parameters ---------- degree : int or tuple (min_degree, max_degree), default=2 If a single int is given, it specifies the maximal degree of the polynomial features. If a tuple `(min_degree, max_degree)` is passed, then `min_degree` is the minimum and `max_degree` is the maximum polynomial degree of the generated features. Note that `min_degree=0` and `min_degree=1` are equivalent as outputting the degree zero term is determined by `include_bias`. interaction_only : bool, default=False If `True`, only interaction features are produced: features that are products of at most `degree` *distinct* input features, i.e. terms with power of 2 or higher of the same input feature are excluded: - included: `x[0]`, `x[1]`, `x[0] * x[1]`, etc. - excluded: `x[0] ** 2`, `x[0] ** 2 * x[1]`, etc. include_bias : bool, default=True If `True` (default), then include a bias column, the feature in which all polynomial powers are zero (i.e. a column of ones - acts as an intercept term in a linear model). order : {'C', 'F'}, default='C' Order of output array in the dense case. `'F'` order is faster to compute, but may slow down subsequent estimators. """ # check that the model attributes match kind = params.pop('kind') if kind not in ('polynomial', ): raise NotImplementedError(kind, "Expecting a polynomial model definition") feature_names = self.feature_names # prepare transformer on fake data X = DataFrame.from_records(np.zeros((1, len(feature_names))), columns=feature_names) transformer = PolynomialFeatures(degree=degree, include_bias=include_bias, interaction_only=interaction_only, order=order).fit(X) self.transformer_ = transformer
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename: str, passband: str): """ Restore a model from a file Parameters ---------- filename: str the ECSV filepath containing the model definition The file should contain the various parameters associated with the model in its `metadata`. passband: str name of the model to load (passband column in the ecsv file) Returns ------- model: PolynomialModel model object """ data ='passband') name = data.attrs.pop('name', None) # setting model metadata model = cls(name=name, meta=data.attrs.copy()) model_attrs = model.meta['model'].copy() model._set_transformer(**model_attrs) # get regression coefficients coeffs = data.loc[passband] model.coeffs_ = coeffs[model.get_transformed_feature_names()] # get stats if provided keys = 'mae,rmse,mean,stddev'.split(',') try: stats = data.loc[passband][keys] for key in keys: model.meta[key] = float(stats[key]) except KeyError: pass return model
[docs] def to_pandas(self) -> DataFrame: """ Export the model to a pandas array, useful for storage """ # set name consistency data = self.coeffs_.to_frame().T meta = self.meta.copy() keys = 'mae,rmse,mean_residuals,std_residuals'.split(',') for key in keys: data[key] = meta.pop(key, float('nan')) data.attrs.update(meta) return data
[docs] def to_ecsv(self, fname: str, **meta): """ Export model into an ECSV file """ df = self.to_pandas() meta = df.attrs meta.update(**meta) ecsv.write(df, fname, **meta)